How to Use Row and Column Markers on Edit Plus

Edit Plus is undoubtedly one of the most feature-rich text editors out there. In fact, its capabilities are more than just a text editing tool. Therefore, it is widely used in the industry, especially by programmers.

blue penImage via Flickr.

Being a programmer myself, I have to regularly look at the source code, debug log files, data files, etc. And when I do, the markers make my job easy.

Markers are like pins that can be placed on rows and columns on a document. It helps to bookmark one or more locations so that you can return to the marked locations easily after scrolling to other locations. This helps me tag my favorite places on a certain document.

Here is an example showing the markers. The green rectangles represent row markers and the blue lines represent column markers.

Edit plus marker

Apply and use row markup

Whenever you want to place a marker on a row, move the cursor to that row. Then navigate to Search -> Marker -> Toggle Marker.

Mark the row

As you must have noticed, the other options are Remove all markersgo Next marker, and go to Previous marker.

Below are the shortcuts and their respective function details.

  • Toggle marker ( F9 ): Place or delete the marker on the row of the current cursor position.
  • Remove all markers ( Ctrl + Shift + F9 ): Remove all markers from the document. Do not perform the reverse function.
  • Next marker ( F4 ): Move the cursor to the next row of markers; down from the cursor’s current position in the document (panel at the bottom of the document).
  • Previous marker ( Shift + F4 ): Move the cursor to the row of the previous marker; up from the current position of the cursor in the document (panel at the top of the document).
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Apply and use column markup

Whenever you want to place a marker on a column, move the cursor to that column. Then navigate to Document -> Column marker -> Set column marker.

Mark the column

A dialog box will appear to allow you to specify column marker positions up to 10 markers.

Set marker column

other options are Show marker columngo Next column marker and go to Highlight the previous column.

Below are the shortcuts and their respective function details.

  • Show marker column ( Alt + Shift + M ): Toggle between showing and hiding column markers.
  • Next column marker ( Alt + Right Arrow ): Move the cursor to the column of the next marker; right from the cursor’s current position in the document (line break at the right end of the document).
  • Highlight the previous column ( Alt + Left Arrow ): Move the cursor to the column of the previous marker; left from the current position of the cursor in the document (line break at the left end of the document).

For column markers, you have the option to change the color of the marker. To do that navigate to Tools -> Options.

Edit Options Plus

Then go to General -> Colors -> Column Highlightsunchecked Default and select the desired color.

Column marker color


Sometimes my documents are thousands of lines long. Markers help me remember and pin important things. And once I did that, moving between the highlighted lines became incredibly easy. It definitely saves me a lot of time and effort.

Categories: How to

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