How to Open Any Program By Just Typing Its Name in Run in Windows XP

If you’ve been a loyal Windows XP user for many years, you’re probably familiar with some shortcuts to quickly launch programs using the “Run” box in the start menu.

You can launch certain programs, such as notepad, by typing their names, and some others, such as the registry editor, by entering the corresponding command (regedit in this case).


However, Windows XP does not give you the option to configure this feature. In this tutorial, I will show you two ways to open any program by typing the name or even nickname of that program in the Run dialog box.

1. Hack the registry

A very flexible solution to this topic is to tweak the Windows registry, which will change the settings directly.

Note: This method uses some registry editing. Therefore, it is important that you back up your registry before proceeding. You may want to take a look at the second method before trying this one.

Press Win + R, type re-edit to launch Registry Editor. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Current Version -> Application Path.


Right click on the Application Path key, select “New -> Key”, then set its name to the nickname you want, for example kmp.exe.

Now select the key created in the above step, set the value “(Default)” to the program path.


Right click on an empty area in the right pane, create a new “String Value” and give it a name Road. Double click on the value and put its value in the folder where your application files are located. In this case, I set it as “C:\Program Files\The KMPlayer\”.

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Now you can easily launch the program by simply typing its nickname in the Run box. Obviously, this is not very convenient because you will have to do it for each program that you want to use.

2. Use Run it

Here is a quicker solution to edit the registry for running applications by typing their names in the Run box – a small tool called Run It. This allows you to add program references directly to the Windows Registry. Therefore, you do not need to work on Registry entries manually.


Note: This tool has a small limitation. You cannot customize a nickname for a program, which means you need to use kmplayer instead of kmp to launch KMPlayer in the above example.

Categories: How to

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