How to Analyze Hard Disk Space and View Folder Sizes in Windows

After a few months of using your computer, you may find that the free space in your hard disk partition has decreased significantly due to all the files and folders that you have stored. At this point, you should do a bit of maintenance and see which files are taking up the most space so you can plan a cleanup.

Windows by default provides basic information in Windows Explorer, but has some limitations. One of them is that Windows Explorer cannot display folder sizes immediately; you have to move the mouse pointer over the folder icon or select “Properties” in the right-click menu to get detailed information about the folder size (although it shows the file size).

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Therefore, you need to install a disk analyzer to analyze file and folder sizes and see which ones you can get rid of.

This article is about two freeware programs for both Windows XP and Windows Vista/Windows 7 users to achieve their goals.

Free tree size

TreeSize Free shows you where the disk space has disappeared. The program will calculate and then display all your files and folders in a hierarchical view. You can toggle the storage allocation view in KB, MB or GB and see the sizes and percentages of space used. Use “Scan” on the menu bar to switch to analyzing other drives.

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TreeSize Free retains the Windows Explorer file context menu in its interface. You can right-click on a file or folder and perform direct actions.

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If you integrate the TreeSize Free to file context menu (done automatically during installation unless you uncheck the option), you can quickly find out the size of a particular folder by right-clicking on it.

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Note: The program has a professional version with advanced analysis and management functions; you can try the full functionality for 30 days on their website.

Folder Size

Similar to TreeSize Free, Folder Size can scan and analyze file and folder sizes in a selected partition or folder. It can also display file and folder sizes in Bar Chart or Pie Chart format – something only available in the professional version of TreeSize.

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The program has an intuitive Explorer-style user interface. You can simply select a drive and then click the “Start” button to get started.

Note: None of the above tools provide an option to export file and folder information. So, if you need that functionality, you can use Karen’s Directory Printer that we introduced before.

Categories: How to

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