An Overview of the New Facebook Sharing and Tagging Features

It seems that for a while, Facebook ran away with pie and sauce in the social networking scene. The emergence of Google+ has rekindled the social war on the web. At the very least, we as consumers can expect some quick changes in the way we conduct our online relationships. The new plus I’m about to test here is a change in Facebook’s privacy controls, sharing, and tagging.

A recent Facebook blog post announced the changes. Let’s see how they affect you and me as the final changes bring some control back to users from Facebook’s former maze-like nature. The changes allow us to fine-tune our privacy using ‘inline controls’ on our profiles.

Note: Changes will be rolled out gradually. At the time of this writing, the changes are not reflected in my Facebook profile. Therefore, the screenshot is from the official announcement post (except the one below).


A more user-friendly way to control your profile


Before that: To restrict access to your profile information, you have to drill down into your privacy settings (Account – Privacy Settings) and then go deeper with a few more clicks to set who can see your details.

Currently: This control is being granted to the inline object selector. It’s basically an icon with a drop-down list that lets you choose who sees your basic information. As shown in the screen below, it will appear next to your basic information.


Before: To see what your profile looks like to others, you must click Edit Profile and tap View My Profile.

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Now: The View My Profile button will be placed directly on your profile page, thus eliminating the additional click.

A more user-friendly way to control being tagged


Before: Photos (or posts) tagged by friends will appear on your profile (and those shared with) immediately. You have to go to Privacy Settings and remove this option completely.

Now: The right to approve or deny photos (or posts) tagged before anyone else sees them on your profile has passed to you.

A more user-friendly way to share on Facebook


Before: Controlling who can see Facebook posts, shares, status updates, etc. is on the settings page a few clicks away.

Now: Control of who can see each post will be right in an icon with a drop-down menu.

The drop-down feature will allow you to add your own custom groups of people. Does it remind you of the flexibility of Circles in Google+?

Three other notable improvements –

1. From now on, you can tag even if you’re not on their friends list. It is no longer necessary to befriend them first.

2. The Location feature is no longer available to people with smartphones. You can add “where are you” to anything on Facebook from any device.

3. Before, you can’t go back if you posted something wrong. Once the changes are implemented, you can change your mind (and your updates).

The announced changes show what a little competition can do. I guess you’re not going to leave Facebook in a hurry after all.

Do you think the changes take a long time to come?

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Categories: How to

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