Delete Pre-Installed Bloatware From New Windows 8 Laptop

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Bloatware and Windows go hand in hand. Always have, always will be. With only Windows 8, Microsoft has made a change to get creative with bloatware.

Real creativity. When you turn on your laptop after a fresh install of Windows 8, you’ll be greeted by a nice Metro tile-based user interface – the Start screen. The screen is filled with apps, tiles, pictures of people you don’t even know, telling you the news, sports scores and the next travel destination. Pretty? Correct. Useful? ARE NOT.

At first, we were deceived by appearances. Oh, the Bing app looks great with its ever-changing background and crisp typography. “This is the new Microsoft!”, I gave notice on October 26, 2012.

But soon my eyes started burning from all the flashing and after using the “cool” apps once or twice just to see how they worked, I never went back. . I’m a desktop man and you need more than sharp typography to conquer me.

But here we are, a year and a half after the launch of Windows 8 and two major updates, Windows is not the wiser. And in this case, I suppose they never will.

Clean up

Microsoft bundles about 20 weird apps like this with each installation of Windows 8. Of course, you can manually remove them if you so choose. Find them, right click and finally hit that uninstall button.

But, there is a better way.

An app was born

Windows 8 App Cleaner is an extremely lightweight (220 KB) application that allows you to uninstall all pre-installed Windows 8 apps with one click.

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Step 1: Download and launch the app.

Step 2: From the top left corner, select your version of Windows. Windows 8, 8.1 or 8.1.1 (also known as Windows 8.1 Update).

Screenshot 128

Step 3: Press List of apps to scan your system for Windows applications. On the right side of the screen, you will see all the Windows 8 apps listed. Uncheck if you want to keep any apps. (Actually?)

Screenshot 130

Step 4: Press Delete apps and see when the bulge is cleared from your PC.

Screenshot 127

Note: The reason most apps are blacked out on my PC is that I decided to remove them manually a while ago (before I found this app), although not So. Bing Weather for a number of reasons.

Bloatware loaded by the manufacturer

Now that we’ve covered Windows bloatware, what about all those apps you never want to use? McAfee Center And Burned pre-installed with the new laptop?

Unfortunately, there are no tools to automate this process. You will have to play right click -> uninstall, right click -> uninstall this game. So sorry.

Smarty Pants Bloatware

Manufacturers have realized that many people have used the Refresh and Reset tool to perform a bloat-free clean install of Windows, so they now preload their bloat on the recovery image as well. .

Top image credit: Pete.

Categories: How to

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