Top 10 Notepad++ Plugins For Writers And Coders

Notepad 2 . Border Maker

If you are getting started with web development, programming or just writing in general, you need a powerful text editor. A good text editor is one that helps you do things intelligently and removes the burden of small tasks, allowing you to focus on writing. Sublime Text is one such code editor but it is a new one. If you are a Windows user, you have the option of Notepad++ (NPP from here on out). As the name suggests, this is an extended version of the Notepad application and yes, it is already quite powerful in itself.

But just like with code editors, the real beauty of the app is in the community. NPP has nurtured a vibrant community over the years, and developers have created plugins to solve every problem big and small.

Let’s take a look at the best plugins for Notepad++ that will help you improve your productivity.

How to install plugins

There are two ways to install plugins for NPP. First is Plugin Manager IN additional The menu lists all available plugins. You can check the ones you want to download and press Setting. But this manager does not have a search function.

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To install plugins downloaded from other locations (.dll extension), download the file and paste it in C:\Program Files(x86)\Notepad++\plugins. Restart the application to complete the installation.

1. Install Markdown

Ok, this is not really a plugin but if you are a programmer or you write for the web you would swear by Markdown. Why would you have anything else when Markdown is easy to write, format, and works well with HTML. But one of the most annoying things about NPP is that it doesn’t support Markdown natively, you’ll have to specify the language. This process is very simple.

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Step 1: Download this language file.

Step 2: From Default wallpaper copy folder userDefineLang.xml and paste in the NotePad++ folder.

Restart Notepad++ and you can choose tick from the bottom of language menu.

If you already have a userDefineLang.xml in your NotePad++ folder, see this link for the installation procedure.

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Cool Tip: Go to Setting -> Interest and turn on Multi editing to get more cursor editing features from Sublime Text. This way you can edit multiple lines of code at once.

2. Multiple Clipboards

Writing is copying, not only from the internet but also from the inside. You are constantly merging files and rearranging content. In times like these, a full history of things you’ve copied overtime can be really helpful (even on Android). Download the MultiClipboard plugin and forget to jump back and forth between files and versions.

3. Emmet

Emmet (formerly Zen Coding) is a web developer/designer’s must-have plugin. It is available for a wide selection of text editors including NPP. It does great things like code autocompletion, extended abbreviations in multiple lines of code, and more. Check out the demo at Emmet’s website to learn more.

4. Adventurer

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Having a file manager/explorer docked next to your code/documentation is really helpful. If you are a programmer, you have to organize several files at once, and it is not possible to go to Windows Explorer for help all the time. For times like these, download the Explorer plugin and bring the file manager to you.

5. Compare

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Never have just one copy of the code or documentation. Especially when you are working with a team. So use this plugin to load two files side by side and compare their differences.

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6. NPPExport

Ok, so you wrote in Markdown, that’s great. But now you have to send it somewhere. Unfortunately, the website you’re publishing to, or the colleague you’re submitting it to, doesn’t have the tools to read Markdown files properly. So you will have to convert the file to HTML or RTF (Rich Text Format) that can be read by Windows/Office applications. This plugin will help you do that.

7. NppMenuSearch

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NPP has a lot to choose from. Much. Sure, they’re streamlined on the menus, and most of them have dedicated keyboard shortcuts, but as we’ve seen many times with Google Docs and Sublime Text, having a keyboard launcher widget would be better. So after installing the plugin just press Ctrl+MORE or go to the search field on the top right and start typing any command. After a few characters, the relevant action will pop up, press enter to execute.

8. Spell checker

You know what a writer can’t help do? Typing mistake. No matter how well you write, silly typos can still slip through. But thanks to the smart technologies of the computing age, we can improve them before we introduce words into the natural world. Use the SpellChecker plugin to do it for NPPs.

9. Auto Save

Tired of fighting Ctrl+WILL anytime? Lost data because forgot to save? Download this plugin (from Plugin Manager) and just focus on writing.

10. HTML Preview

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If you don’t want to open Chrome to check the changes you’ve made, you can assign a floating window for that. Press shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Surname to show the preview. Download the plugin from the Plugin Manager. It has a dedicated Quicken button to refresh manually.

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So Notepad++ fans, did we miss any cool plugin? Let us know!

Categories: How to

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