Start, Stop and Analyze Services Using Windows 8 Task Manager

Task Manager icon

When we introduce you to

Windows 8 Task Manager

we have shown how it is more than just a task manager and more powerful than the ones we used on previous versions of Windows.

We also mentioned then that you can manage the Service using the same service. The Task Manager in Windows 7 also has a Services tab but Windows 8 goes a step further and we’ll see how.

Hot Tip: If you’re someone who hates the task manager of Windows 8 and are looking for something that can make it match the task manager on Windows 7, check this out.

Back in the Windows 8 task manager, launch it first. There are many ways to get task manager up and running. The easiest and best, in my opinion, is the keyboard combination, Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

It is likely that your task manager is running in compact view, as shown in the image below.

Task Manager Compact View

So the first thing you need to do is see the details. To do that, click on the link read, More details. That will change the view to the image shown below.

Task Manager View Details E1367952275206

Now, navigate to Service tab to access and manage the list of services. The displayed columns are Name, PID, Description, Status and Group.

Task Management Service E1367952379494

Start, restart or stop the service

From the list, select any service in running state that you want to stop or restart. Right click on the service and select the required activator.

Service context menu

Follow the same steps to start a service that is not already running.

Learn about a service

The best way to know about a service is to look at the description column. That should give you a basic idea of ​​a service. If that’s still not enough, right click on the service and Search online. It will enable internet search using your default search engine. Here is an example.

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Online search service

Quick Tip: If you want, you can navigate to the list of Windows explorer version services. All you need to do is click Open service link at the bottom of the window (above Service navigation).


So while only slightly better than previous versions, the Services tab in Windows 8’s task manager is sometimes useful as well. If you are someone who tends to do Ctrl+Shift+Esc a lot to quickly end or analyze processes, you can also use it to manage services whenever the need arises.

Do you prefer Windows 8’s task manager over Windows 7’s task manager? Or have you replaced it with something that gives you the feel of its old look?

Categories: How to

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