Top 3 Free Alternatives to Windows Media Center in Windows 8

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We recently showed our readers how to get

DVD playback on Windows 8,

but what if you just noticed that your brand new copy of Windows 8 no longer includes Media Center? While Media Center is mainly used by people who use their computer as a multimedia PC in the living room, it is still a pretty cool feature that is included in other versions of Windows 7 for free. together.

In Windows 8, the only users who could get their hands on Media Center were those with a copy of the ‘Pro’ version willing to pay $9.99 for an add-on.

The good news is that there are free alternatives that offer the same or even more functionality that Windows Media Center used to do. And we have selected three of them for you.

We go here.

Skip the Media Center for a Start Screen Experience

If you have Windows 8, you know the new Start Screen well. This full-screen start menu includes shortcuts to desktop apps and modern Windows 8 apps as well. Its large live tiles and simple design also make it work well as a large TV interface and good enough as a replacement for Windows Media Center.

Screenshot 37

How can you use the Start Screen to replace Windows Media Center (WMC)? By using an air mouse and wireless keyboard to control the user interface, then use new Windows 8 apps to replace WMC functionality.

As you may already know, WMC allows you to watch and record TV, play DVDs and CDs, songs, view photos, and can even use some basic apps like Netflix. For the same experience in the start screen, you need to download the following apps:

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Media Player

If you want DVD playback, you’ll need to purchase an app because there’s no free DVD-compatible media player on the Windows Store.

We recommend TKS . media player, as it has a pretty clean interface and supports DVD file playback. Best of all, it’s only $1.99.


Not interested in DVD support?

A free option for playback of all the most popular video file formats is [email protected]. I LOVE this player because it’s designed to be simple, seemingly error-free, and easy to find all my media by default. It also allows you to change the directory directory and connect to external drives easily.


Program to watch live TV

While I couldn’t find any that work with TV tuners, there are plenty of free apps that connect to live TV channels around the globe.


One such free app is Live showoffers quite a few interesting channels, though none of the major US networks – if that’s what you’re looking for.


Additional service application

Now, you’ll want to search for all your favorite multimedia apps and services, such as Hulu Plus and Netflix.


The good news is that most popular media services and movie rental apps are available on Windows 8, so there’s no shortage of great content that will play nicely on your television screen.


Not enough features?

Feel like adding a few apps and media playback isn’t enough to replace your MWC experience? Then using the start screen as a full replacement might not work for you, thankfully there are still plenty of third-party programs that fit the bill.

The two best alternative programs to replace Windows Media Center

Can’t live without DVD playback or LIVE TV? Maybe you just want an interface better suited to a PC-compatible remote.

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Whatever your reasons, two programs in particular stand out above all the others:

XBMC (Click here to download)

This is my personal favorite and the one I use when I want to watch multimedia on the TV in my living room (connected to my PC via HDMI).

Screenshot 32XBMC has a clean, easy-to-navigate interface and can be set up to start automatically when you turn on your PC.

originally Xbox Media Center started as a project to create an old-fashioned Xbox media player experience. Today, XBMC exists on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Raspberry Pie, Android, and iOS.

Note: To learn more about XBMC, you may also want to check out our original review!

Screenshot 35Although it takes a bit of configuration, when you point XBMC in the right direction – it will easily find and play your media files.

Some of the cool features found in XBMC include the ability to watch and record live TV through a TV capture card and a strong level of media format support.

Screenshot 36As you can see, XBMC’s movie controls are well designed and make it easy to fast forward, rewind, pause, etc.

Even better, there are plenty of add-ons that let you run shows like Hulu, YouTube, Pandora, and Netflix.

Screenshot 38This is a list of just a few of the many add-ons available to extend the functionality of XBMC even further!

MooVida (Click here to download)

MooVida is a mix of good, bad and bad.


Which is the strong point?

  • It supports a lot of multimedia files.
  • The user interface is very detailed and automatically sorts and finds all your music, movies and other compatible multimedia files.
  • It can tell the difference between a downloaded TV show or an actual movie and categorize it accordingly.
  • MooVida collects movie/show related thumbnails and other artwork to make the interface look better.


Weak points?

  • It doesn’t have the add-ons and extra apps found on XBMC.
  • It does not support TV tuner or live TV.
  • It is loaded with bloatware. That’s right – probably the worst thing about it. Luckily, it’s completely avoidable. Follow these steps during installation to ensure that no bloatware is added during installation:
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Step 1: When installing Moovida, the first screen for Delta Toolbar. Make sure you check Custom settings box (red arrow), then uncheck all three boxes below. Also, make sure you don’t accept the License Agreement (blue arrow). Fight Next.


Step 2: Now you will want to once again click Custom settings (blue arrow) and uncheck the two boxes below. Again, unclick the License Agreement (red arrow). once again hit Next.


Step 3: Unclick the license agreement box for the last piece of bloatware. Shove Settingand once it’s done, you’ll have a bloatware-free installation.



While there are many others Media Center Windows existing alternatives, here are three easy ways to replace the experience with one that might work better for you.

Are there other media center programs or solutions that we didn’t mention? Let us know about it in the comments section below!

Categories: How to

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