How to Buy Games for Cheap from Origin’s Mexico Store

Today, almost all of EA’s games are released on Origin and are available through its online store. Yes, I know about Steam and its huge game collection, but Origin has some exclusive titles like Battlefield and Need for Speed. The problem is, Origin doesn’t conduct sales as often as Steam.

Hey E1434257900272Who doesn’t love discounts! Image via Shutterstock

What if you want to try Need for Speeds Rivals (really?) but don’t want to spend $60? Origin Mexico is the solution. The prices of games vary by region or country, and many times the Origin Mexican store has lower prices than other regions. But making a purchase is not as easy as going to the website and selecting the Mexico region. Follow this guide to learn how.

Set up a proxy connection

You cannot access the store in Mexico directly, the origin server will determine your country from your IP address and redirect you to the store in your country. To circumvent this, we use proxies. Now, depending on the browser you use, the proxy setup process will be different. I’m explaining the process for the two most popular browsers, Firefox & Chrome.

For firefox

Finding a free proxy server is not that difficult, just a Google search will show you a lot of websites. I recommend Proxynova. To set it up, we need the IP address and port of the proxy server. In the list of servers, select the server with a higher uptime and proxy speed. After you decide on the server, copy the IP address and keep in mind the four-digit port number.

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Authorization list E1432571349331

Open Firefox and go to Option > High level > Network card. click Setting button below Relation.

Network settings1 E1432571872428

inside Connection settings window, select Manual proxy configuration and enter the IP address in Http Proxy field and port number you copied in the previous step. Click ALRIGHT end.

Connection setting 001

For Chrome

Chrome relies on the system’s internet settings. We won’t mess with that, we’ll use an add-on to set up the proxy instead. From the extension store, install the Proxy SwitchySharp extension.

Open SwitchySharp Preferences by going to Setting > Extensions. inside Http Proxy proxy server IP address and port number input field port field. Fight Rescue end.

Profile details E1432572631447

To load a profile, click the blue globe icon in the top right corner of Chrome and select the profile you’ve saved.

Conversion Profile

I’ve covered the next steps in Firefox since it’s my primary browser, but they shouldn’t be different in other browsers.

Hot Tip: Check out Origin’s On the House section to get free games and Game Time to play certain games for a limited time before buying them.

Buy from the store

Step 1: After setting up and enabling your proxy, go to Your URL should look like: with en-mx indicates the region of Mexico.

If Origin continues to redirect you to the store in your country, clear cookies (in Firefox or Chrome) and disable all scripts.

Made in Mexico Store1 E1432285057299

Step 2: Understanding the website can be difficult if you don’t know Spanish, so take the help of Google Translate. Find your way to your favorite game and add it to the cart.

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Add to Cart E1432285363620

Step 3: Open your shopping cart by clicking on the cart icon in the upper right corner. Click on the button named caja, means payment.

Games in the cart E1432285454161

Step 4: On the checkout page, you can see your final price and apply any promotional codes you have. Click I am caja to log in to your account.

Payment E1432285650642

Step 5: After entering your login information, press Opening session. Before proceeding to the next step, disable the proxy.

Login account E1432285851105

Step 6: After logging in, Origin will ask you for a payment method. Credit Card & Paypal are both supported. Enter a valid Mexican name, email, phone number and address.

Payment option E1432285972652

Search Google for public libraries, churches, or hotel listings in Mexico. After entering details, click Pagar ahora to make payment.

Step 7: After payment, you will receive an email in Spanish and the game will automatically be added to your Origin account. Check your origin library to confirm. If it doesn’t appear, log out and back in.


Here’s how you buy Origin games for cheap and learn some (very little) Spanish along the way. Do share your ‘vista’ in the comments.

Categories: How to

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