How to Remote Control iTunes From Your iPhone or iPod Touch

Controlling iTunes remotely from your iPod touch or iPhone has its advantages. For example, it can make it easy to shuffle songs when you have a small party and use your computer to play music. It basically eliminates the need to be on your computer to manage iTunes.

I know Apple has this app called Remote to get some remote work done, but never bothered to check it out until I visited my friend Praval another day. He is using it and I was amazed at how smoothly it worked over Wi-Fi. Knowing about something is one thing, experiencing it for the first time is another.

Back home, I decided to set it up on my iPod touch. This article summarizes each step involved in the process.

We go here.

Step 1. Open iTunes, go to the AppStore and search for “remote”.

1I Tunes remote app

Step 2. The application’s description page will appear. As you can see, the app is free and also allows you to control your Apple TV remotely.

Remote control app 2I Tunes

Step 3. iTunes will ask you to sign in to download the app if you are not already signed in.

3 Signintoi Tunesappstore

Step 4. It will start downloading the app.

4Download apps remotely

Step 5. Once the download is complete, you can connect your device (iPhone or iPod touch) to your computer and sync it with iTunes.

5 Phone Podtouchori Syncwithi

Step 6. You should now see the app on your iOS device.

6 Remote app Podtouchori Phone

Step 7. Go to the application. You will find the option to Add iTunes Library. There is also a home sharing option that allows you to share this functionality with iTunes on several other computers. We will talk about that in another article. For now, let’s focus on adding an iTunes library.

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7I Tunes Remote Control Settings

Step 8. When you select that option, it will show you the passcode. Note this as you will need it to connect your iTunes library to your iDevice.

Password remote control 8I Tunes

Step 9. Now, go back to iTunes. There, as you see below, you will find other The iPod touch preferences under DEVICES have the remote app’s symbol next to it. Click it.

9i podtouch

Step 10. This is where you enter the passcode you received in Step 8.

10Enteritunesremote password

Step 11. Added a password and you’re done!

11I Tunes activated remotely

Step 12. You should now have your entire iTunes library in the Remote app. You can select a song and it will automatically start playing in iTunes on your computer. Neat, right?

Remote control 12I

If at first you find that the remote app cannot locate your library even after adding the passcode, just restart iTunes as well as the iDevice. Everything will be okay.

Two obvious things to note: 1. You must have Wi-Fi for it to work. and 2. It is recommended to open iTunes first on the computer. You cannot start iTunes from this application.

Hope that helps. If you know some cool tricks related to this app or iTunes, feel free to join with your suggestions in the comments.

Categories: How to

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