5 Tips To Improve Your iPhone’s Battery Life In iOS 8

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Do you know what the saddest thing about Samsung’s tasteless ads is? They are right. My iPhone 5 battery is barely functional during the day. That’s why I’m glad the 6 and 6 Plus’ larger sizes allow for better battery backup. For those in 4S/5/5S mode, things will continue to be difficult.

But with iOS 8, Apple is acknowledging this issue and is providing users with app specific battery usage. Although the data is not Android specific, it is something. Ignoring this context can be a double-edged sword. How can you judge which apps to remove and keep only based on battery usage percentage? What are all the things you can do to increase the battery life of your iPhone? Read to find out.

1. Use iOS 8 Battery Usage Statistics

It’s easier to find than Waldo. Go Setting -> overview -> Using -> Battery usage.

Below total battery life and usage time, you’ll find a list of the apps that use the most battery, listed in descending order. Apps that take up the most battery life come out on top.

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You can view your app usage over the last 24 hours or two days.

The apps at the top are the culprit. Here you will find Facebook, Instagram, etc. Or an inappropriate application.

Now that you know which apps are using the most battery, what do you do? That is the next step.

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2. Disable location services and background app refresh

Location Services (GPS) and Background App Refresh are the two biggest battery killers. If you have Location Services turned on for all apps, your phone will constantly update your location, which will drain your battery. The same goes for Background App Refresh. Apps like Twitter and Facebook are famous for their ability to refresh in the background so you have the latest updates as soon as you launch the app. That extra second or two of waiting isn’t worth the loss of battery life.

So go to Setting -> Privacy -> Location service and turn off access to any unnecessary apps.

Then go to Setting -> overview -> Background App Refresh and turn off access to apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or turn off Background App Refresh completely.

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Are iOS 8 widgets a battery killer?: iOS 8 added support for widgets in Notification Center (check out our list of the best running widgets here). Widgets run separately from apps and cannot refresh their data in the background. The only time they update is when you scroll down to 4. If you use a lot of widgets that need to communicate with the web, this can drain your battery.

But above all, as of now, widgets are not the main battery killer. Especially if you don’t pull down the Notification Center unnecessarily.

3. Cellular signal and network settings

LTE can be a big battery killer. Go Setting -> Mobile and turn off LTE.

If you’re having issues with cell towers, visit Mobile data networkscroll all the way down and tap Reset settings.

If you are in an area with poor signal, your phone will constantly search for something to connect to and end up finding nothing. If this is the case, just turn on Airplane mode and save battery.

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4. Soft reset

After updating to iOS 8, a soft reset is recommended. Hold down the power button and home button until the phone turns off. The reboot will take some time. During the soft reset, the phone resets the basic phone settings that might have been messed up during the live update.

5. Get rid of power-hungry apps

iOS does an excellent job of putting apps you don’t use to sleep. But there are some apps like Google Maps, TomTom navigation, Spotify, Pandora, etc that run in the background even when you’re done using them.

So double-click the home button and swipe up on the app preview to get rid of these apps forever.

How’s your battery life on iOS 8?

Have you updated to iOS 8 yet? How is the battery life? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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