Top 6 Ways to Personalize Start Menu Experience in Windows 11

The default Start Menu in Windows Operating System is set to receive its biggest overhaul in the past few years. The days of live tiles in the Start menu are over. Instead, the default menu now contains pinned apps, AI-based recommendations, folder shortcuts, etc. And yes, it also has a new place on the taskbar. Plus, you get all the tools to customize the Start menu experience on Windows 11.

Customize start menu in windows 11

Microsoft has added a bunch of personalization options. The default settings are fine, but you may want to change the look and functionality of the Start menu in Windows 11.

We will show you the default behavior in the Windows 11 Start menu and how to change it in the OS.

1. Disable the blur effect

Windows 11 default components like the Widget panel, new notification area, quick toggles, and Start menu have a translucent effect. It’s part of Microsoft’s Fluent design system that the company carries in other first-party applications.

Although it looks eye-catching with the default Windows 11 wallpaper, it may not match some third-party wallpapers.

You can open the Settings menu and go to the Personalization menu > Colors. Then turn off the Transparency effect from the following menu.

Choose color

No reboot required here. You will immediately see the effect applied in the Start menu.

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Turn off the transparency effect

2. Change Start Menu Theme

You can change the Start menu theme individually. However, the recommended method will change the entire interface on the operating system.

The default Start menu is set to a white theme with a blue accent color. Follow the steps below to change that.

Step 1: Open the Settings menu on Windows 11 (Windows key + I).

Step 2: Go to the Personalization menu > Colors.

Choose color

Step 3: Select the default theme mode from Light, Dark or Custom.

Change start menu theme

Step 4: From the same menu, you can choose the accent color that shows up in the Windows 11 Start menu and across the operating system.

3. Change Start Menu Location

As we mentioned above, Microsoft is centering the Start menu position in Windows 11. However, if you keep going back to the bottom left corner, you can change the position due to old habits.

Step 1: Open the Windows Settings app and go to the Personalization menu.

Select taskbar

Step 2: Select Taskbar > Taskbar Behavior.

Select action bar behavior

Step 3: From the Taskbar Alignment menu, select left.

Select Taskbar Alignment

Windows 11 will slide the taskbar with the Start menu and application icons on the left.

4. Pin/Unpin Apps in Start Menu

The quick live tiles are gone, and the apps pinned in the Start menu will take their place. As expected, Microsoft has filled the Start menu with its own apps and services.

Unpin from the beginning

You can right-click on any app and remove it from the Start menu. Likewise, users can right-click on any app from the apps menu and pin it to the Start menu.

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Pin apps to get started

Similarly, users can drag and drop apps in the Start menu to change locations. Therefore, you can pin up to 18 apps in the Start menu.

5. Disable Windows Recommendations

With the transition to Windows 11, Windows Timeline also disappeared. You now have Suggestions on the Windows 11 Start menu. For now, they only work with Microsoft apps and services.

You won’t find it useful if you don’t want to try everything Microsoft recommends. You can turn off Start menu suggestions from the Settings menu. This is the way.

Step 1: Open the Settings application on Windows 11.

choose start

Step 2: Navigate to Personalization > Start and disable Show recently opened items in Start, Jump Lists, and File Explorer.

Show recently opened items in start menu

We hope Microsoft opens the recommended API to third-party developers. Imagine a scenario when you could open a WhatsApp chat or Twitter homepage right from the Windows 11 Start menu. Productivity, right?

6. Add folders to the Start Menu

Microsoft provides an option to add shortcuts like File Explorer, Pictures, Downloads, etc. to the Start menu. That’s pretty useful for opening frequently accessed folders directly right from the Start Menu.

Go to Windows Settings > Personalization > Start and select Folders. Next, select the folders that you want to add to the Start menu.

Open the folder menu

For example, we added the Downloads and File Manager shortcuts to the Start menu.

Enable shortcut in start menu

Open the Start menu and you will see the newly added shortcuts next to the Power menu. You can now pin and open frequently used folders with just one click.

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Windows 11 Start Menu Folders

Customize Start Menu in Windows 11

It’s good to see Microsoft’s approach to Windows 11. However, unlike Windows 10, you can personalize the new Start menu experience even more. So make the necessary adjustments and make you feel at home with the new Start menu in Windows 11.

Categories: How to

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