Install and Apply Custom Fonts on Jailbroken iPhones

Custom fonts on I Phone

We humans get tired of seeing the same things over and over again and that’s why we love to change the wallpaper and ringtone for our smartphones. But have you ever thought about the fact that fonts (icons, settings, text messages, emails) are something you come across all the time and iOS gives you no option to change that? Well, that’s only true until you jailbreak your device.

The simple act of jailbreaking your iPhone opens up an endless world of tweaking and customization for iOS lovers.

Is jailbreaking worth it? While the chance of having problems with the jailbreak is very small, in return you get a Maverick. With the jailbreak, you have the keys to change almost anything on your iPhone (unfortunately not the hardware).

Check out how to change the system font on our iPhone with a simple Cydia tweak called BytaFont 2.

Install BytaFont

BytaFont is freely available from the Cydia App Store and can be installed on devices running on iOS 7.x- 8.x as long as it’s jailbroken. If you don’t see BytaFont 2 in the search results, add the ModMyi repository (, refresh the source and install the application.

Byta Font 2 2Byta Font 2 4

Once the app is successfully installed, reboot your device.

Apply custom font first

Launch BytaFont 2 and back up the system fonts. This will ensure you can get everything back to the way it was in case you change your mind. After the backup is done, open Browser navigation. As a good way to think about it, BytaFont 2 is essentially an app store for fonts. Here you search for cool new fonts and install them on your device.

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Byta Font 2 5Byta Font 2 6

The fonts are categorized in different sections and you will be able to see a live preview for each of them. When you open the download page, tap BytaFont 2 options and download the file. The file will be installed through Cydia and you should eventually reboot the device.

Byta Font 2 9Byta Font 2 8

Now that the font has been downloaded successfully, open the BytaFont 2 app again and this time navigate to Swap mode. Click here Communication options and select the new font you installed using Cydia. The app will set the new font and restart your device.

Apply 2 . fontApply font 1

That’s it, you should see the new font as the default system-wide font. In BytaFont 2 Advanced settings, you can exclude the camera, iBooks, and keyboard from the custom font and use the default font instead. If you want to return to the default system settings, open Communication Swap mode and tap option BytaFont Backup Restore.


And that’s how you can install BytaFont and change the system font on your iOS device. There are many fonts you can choose from and all of them are available for free. So make your phone stand out from the crowd using some of these cool fonts. In any case if you face a barrier when using the app, we just need a comment.

Categories: How to

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