How to Unblur Course Hero Answers

If you’re not a Course Hero member, you won’t be able to see all the answers on a single document.

You will only be able to see part of the document—its preview.

There are two official ways to obfuscate Course Hero answers.

You can pay a subscription fee or upload 10 documents.

When you upload 10 documents, you will get 5 free unlocks.

You can also try joining a Discord server/Telegram group that reveals Course Hero replies—but they usually don’t work.

But what if there was another way to blur Course Hero replies without Discord, Telegram or paying subscription fees?

In this tutorial you will learn how to blur Course Hero replies (no Discord or Telegram) and how to get Course Hero for free.

  • How to Blur Course Hero’s Answers
  • How to get Course Hero for free

How to Blur Course Hero’s Answers

To blur Course Hero answers, you need to check the page, select “Sources” and open “split-0-page-1” in a new tab.

After you have opened “split-0-page-1” in a new tab, remove “-html-bg” from the URL to obscure the top half of the answer.

To blur the bottom half of the answer, change “split-0” to “split-1”.

Some documents only have a single split, so you may not need to change “split-0” to “split-1” to see all of their responses.

To see the answer for the next page, change “page-1” to “page-2”.

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After you have changed the page, you need to change “split-1” to “split-0” and vice versa.

You should use Chrome for this.

If you don’t have Chrome, you can install it here:

Here’s how to blur Course Hero’s answers:

1. Right click on the page and click “Inspect”

How to blur the Course Hero test

First, you need to access the Course Hero document that you want to blur the answers to.

When you are looking at the Course Hero documentation, you need to check the page.

To do so, right-click on the document.

After right-clicking on the document, you will see several options.

This includes “Back”, “Print”, “Check”, etc.

Click “Inspect” to inspect the page.

2. Click “Source”

Hero course check the source

After you click “Test” you will arrive at the “Components” page.

On the top navigation bar, you will see several tabs.

This includes “Elements”, “Console”, “Sources”, and others.

Click “Sources” to go to the “Sources” page.

3. Open “split-0-page-1” in a new tab

How to blur the Course Hero test

After you click on “Sources”, you will arrive at the “Sources” page.

On this page you will see several files.

Here are 3 steps you need to do:

  1. Click on the “document assets” file.
  2. Right click on “split-0-page-1”.
  3. Click “Open in a new tab”.

When you click on the “doc-asset” file, it will be expanded and you will be able to see the “split-0-page-1” file.

The file “split-0-page-1” includes an image (.jpg) of the first page of the document.

When you open the file in a new tab, you’ll be able to obscure the document’s responses by removing a section from its URL (add to next step).

4. Remove “-html-bg” from URL

Blurring the answers about the hero of the course

After you open the file “split-0-page-1” in a new tab, you will see the first page of the document.

However, the answers in the document will be blurred, so you need to unblur.

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To do so, you need to remove “-html-bg” from the URL.

In the document’s URL, you’ll see the “-html-bg” section.

Now you need to highlight “-html-bg” from the URL and press the Backspace key on your keyboard to delete it.

5. Use “split-0” to blur the top half of the answer

How to view Course Hero's answers

After you have removed “-html-bg” from the URL, press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Now, you should be able to see the top half of the answer.

In the URL, you’ll see a section that says “split-0”.

The “split-0” part will blur the top half of the document’s answer.

Therefore, if you want to see the upper half of the answer in the document, you need to use “split-0”.

6. Change “split-0” to “split-1” to blur the bottom half of the answer

Unblur Course Hero Free

Now that you’ve seen the top half of the answer in the document, it’s time to blur the bottom half of it.

To do so, you need to change “split-0” to “split-1” in the URL and press Enter key on your keyboard.

After you’ve changed “split-0” to “split-1”, the bottom half of the document’s answer will not be blurred.

Please note that not all Course Hero materials have splits, so you may not have to do this for every document.

7. Change “page-1” to “page-2” to see the answer for the next page

How to get Course Hero answers for free

Now that you’ve seen all of the document answers on page 1, it’s time to move on to page 2.

To see the answer for page 2, change “page-1” to “page-2” in the URL.

After you have changed “page-1” to “page-2”, you will see the answer for the second page of the document.

However, you will only see part of the answer.

To blur the second part of the answer, you need to repeat step #6.

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In short—you need to experiment with the “split-0” part by changing it to “split-1” and vice versa.

You successfully learned how to blur the Hero’s answer in the course!

How to get Course Hero for free

Here’s how to get Course Hero for free:

  1. Create a Course Hero account and upload 10 documents to earn 5 free unlocks.
  2. If your 5 documents are unlocked, you will earn one free unlock.
  3. When your document gets 5 likes, you will earn one free unlock.
  4. Review 5 documents to get 1 free unlock.
  5. Rate 5 materials or 5 questions to get 1 free unlock.


Editor’s Note (@notlhw):

This tutorial is the best way to blur Course Hero replies for free without Discord server or Telegram group.

It’s currently live as of 2023, so make sure you take advantage of it before Course Hero decides to “fix” it.

If you get lost or something is not working, please re-read and follow the instructions in the manual carefully.

I have tested this many times on different Course Hero documents and it works perfectly.

Since most of you are visual learners, I have added screenshots (with captions) to help you follow better.

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Categories: How to

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