How to Share a Google Map and Link to it

That’s right, you go to, enter the location, hit the back key and boom, there’s the map! Now, need to share it, or link to it? Simply copy, paste the URL from your browser’s address bar (it can be shortened too) and then share it….right?

Well, if only it were so simple and convenient. Unfortunately, it is not. Even after you find the location on the map, the URL in your browser’s address bar still reads Well, try it and see for yourself.

Googlemaps guide sharing link1

So now the question is, what is the best way to share Google maps? That is what we will discuss here. We will talk about 3 ways to do it.

The first two methods are simple enough, but probably not what you want to do. And that’s why, we have a third way, which is our favorite way.

Check out all the methods anyway.

1. Use the “Submit” option

You can click on the location cursor, go to “more” and there you will find a “Submit” button.


When you click that button, a box will pop up with a link of the location on the map and options to email it to others and to yourself. There is also a “Phone” option that you may want to use.

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2. Create a quick link

There is a “Link” button at the top right of the map, which can be used to quickly create a link of the location. There is an option to embed in the web page too.

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UPDATE: Google Maps has changed their UI design and now the link option appears as a small button on the left side, just below the search bar as shown in the screenshot below.

Google Maps Short Link

Problems with the above methods

Both of the above methods are simple and easy. But that doesn’t mean they’re convenient too.

Just look at the generated link first. It’s pretty awful and definitely not shareable. You can shorten it with a url shortener, but that means first copying the link and then pasting it somewhere from where it can be shortened. Easy but not fast.

Second, there’s no way to quickly share it on a social site, like Twitter or Facebook. Email or direct sharing seems to be the only option.

Best Way – Use

This is where comes in. A great tool that shortens your map links, lets you add titles and descriptions, and lets you share directly on your favorite social networks.


This tool works pretty well. I searched the same place on there (it’s a mashup of Google Maps btw) and just checked the screenshot below to see what kind of options it gives me. On the right, there is a map, and on the left, there are options to add a title and description, create a link, email, Twitter, etc. It even has Wikipedia references for the place on the same page, which is great.


When I click “Create Link” it quickly pops up a box with a neatly shortened link for sharing. You can also create a custom link easily.

And when you click on the Twitter option, it will allow you to share the link, along with the status message, directly on your Twitter profile.

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Short link to share Google map

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Share Maps on Twitter


Overall, if you’re a regular user of Google maps and have so far hesitated to share information from there just because the available methods don’t seem right, then is the answer to your prayers. Try it out!

Note: The above post is inspired by Fred’s post on link with Google Maps. The tool was discovered by one of his commentators Andy swan. Thank you parents!

Categories: How to

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