How to Enable and Turn off Google Assistant Ambient Mode

Google Assistant Ambient Mode was announced back in 2019, but not many people know about this feature and its usefulness. For starters, the Assistant’s Ambient Mode is the redefined “Always On Display” that appears only when you’re charging your Android device.

Toggle the environment mode of the Google assistant

It replaces your phone’s original lock screen with notifications and other nifty tools and shortcuts for easy access. In this post, we will walk you through the necessary steps to enable and use this feature on your device.

Enable Ambient Mode for Google Assistant

Step 1: Activate Google Assistant on your smartphone.

Just touch and hold the home button or say the command ‘Ok Google’ or ‘OK Google’. Also, if your device runs Android 10 OS and you’re using “Gesture Navigation”, you can simply swipe up from the bottom left or bottom right corner of the screen to activate the Assistant.

Step 2: With the Assistant pop-up on the screen, tap the Explore/Compass icon like it’s in the bottom left corner.

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Step 3: On the Explore page, tap the profile picture in the upper right corner.

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Step 4: Tap Settings from the menu options.

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Step 5: Now, navigate to the Assistant tab.

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Step 6: Scroll to the bottom of the Assistant settings page and tap Phone under Assistant devices.

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That’s where you can customize how the Assistant works on your device.

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Step 7: Next, scroll to the bottom of this page and enable the Ambient Mode option.

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You will find the Ambient Mode option in the Personalization section. Once Ambient Mode has been activated, your device’s screen will look like the image below whenever your phone is plugged in.

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Note: The ‘Ambient Screen Photo Frame’ option is also automatically activated when you enable Ambient Mode. That will show different photos from a selected album from your Google Photos account on Ambient Mode.

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On the Ambient Mode home screen, your phone’s clock will be displayed in a conspicuous grayscale digital format. Other app icons from your phone’s notification tray, as well as battery percentage and charge notifications will also be displayed. To switch to the secondary Ambient display, simply tap the screen. Here you can control music playback, view weather conditions, view upcoming alarms, etc.

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There’s also an Assistant icon at the bottom of the Ambient Mode screen. Tap the icon to interact with Google Assistant via voice.

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When you unlock your device while it’s charging, you can quickly return to the Assistant’s Ambient Mode by swiping down from the notification tray and tapping ‘Back to Ambient Mode’ around’.

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Ambient Mode couldn’t be found on your Assistant settings menu, see some troubleshooting options below.

Enable Assistant Ambient Mode: Troubleshooting Tips

When Google introduced the Ambient Mode feature, it was only rolled out to some devices, especially phones made by Google (Nexus and Pixel phones) and some Android One devices. If you can’t find Ambient Mode in the Google Assistant on your device, here are a few things to do to get it.

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1. Update your OS

Google Assistant Ambient Mode was developed to work only on devices running Android 8.0 Oreo or later. If your device is running Android 7.0 Nougat or later, Ambient Mode will not be available on your device.

Enable google assistant environment mode

2. Install the Google Assistant app

While the Assistant is built into the Android OS, and almost every Android device has it, there is a dedicated Assistant app on the Google Play Store. If your device is up to date but you still can’t find or use Google Assistant Ambient Mode, you should install the Google Assistant app and restart your device. Environment Mode will then appear in the Assistant settings menu on your device.

That worked for me on my Nokia 6.1 Plus. At first the Ambient Mode option was not found but after installing the Assistant app from the play store and restarting my device the feature appeared in the device’s Assistant menu.

If you already have the Assistant installed on your device, check to make sure it’s updated to the latest version.

Turn off the Assistant’s Environment Mode

If, after trying out Google Assistant Ambient Mode, you discover that you don’t like the feature, or that you prefer the regular lock screen display, it’s super easy to turn it off. Follow the same steps taken to enable it. Open the Google Assistant Settings menu, tap Phone, and turn Ambient Mode off.

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Spice up your screen

Google Assistant’s environment mode is an easy and fun way to transform your phone’s screen into a smart assistant while it’s charging. This concept is a great idea and you should definitely give it a try. Not enjoying it? Follow the steps above to turn it off.

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Next: Is the battery percentage on your device’s Ambient Mode missing or not showing up? Check out how to fix it in the article linked below.

Categories: How to

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