How to Block or Soft Block Someone on Twitter

Tired of dealing with unwanted interactions or negative experiences on Twitter? Blocking someone on Twitter can be an effective solution to maintaining a positive and enjoyable online experience. This article will show you how to block someone on Twitter quickly and effectively.

How to block or lightly block someone on Twitter

Now, you may be wondering why you would want to block someone on Twitter. Well, blocking allows you to prevent individuals from causing interruptions, spamming, or harassment. It effectively cuts off the connection between you and the blocked user, providing a sense of privacy and relief from any unwanted interactions. Before we get started with blocking, let’s first understand what happens when you block someone on Twitter.

What happens when you block someone on Twitter

When you block someone on Twitter, you take a number of actions to limit their interaction with you on the platform. First, blocked users will no longer be able to view your tweets, access your profile, or send you direct messages. They will also be removed from your list of followers and you will not receive any notifications or interactions from them.

Furthermore, your timeline and notifications will hide any mentions or replies from blocked users, creating a more peaceful Twitter experience for you.

What happens when you block someone on Twitter

By blocking someone on Twitter, you take control of your online experience and make it safer and more comfortable. It stops direct communication and visibility from blocked users, reducing unwanted interactions, harassment or disruptive behavior.

But remember, blocking someone doesn’t stop them from seeing your public tweets when they’re not signed in or using a different account. It also doesn’t delete any tweets or interactions that may have occurred prior to blocking. With this understanding, let’s start with methods of blocking someone on Twitter.

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How to block someone on Twitter from Tweet

Blocking someone on Twitter is relatively simple, and it’s also simple to do. The steps are the same for desktop and mobile apps. For the demonstration, we will use the Twitter web. Follow the steps below.

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Step 1: Open Twitter in your preferred browser on your Windows or Mac computer and sign in with your credentials.

Open Twitter in your favorite browser

Step 2: Scroll down to the Tweet you want to block. Click the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the Tweet.

Click on the three dots icon

Step 3: From the menu, select ‘Block [username].’

select 'Block' [username].'

Step 4: In the confirmation pop-up, select Block.

select Block

That’s it. Your Twitter account will immediately block the user’s account and they will lose access to your tweets and interactions. That said, if you don’t have access to your desktop and want to do the same using a mobile device, keep reading.

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How to block someone on Twitter from profile

Here’s another way to block someone on Twitter. The steps are very simple and easy to follow. Like the method above, it is the same for desktop and mobile devices (Android and iOS). However, for the demonstration, we choose to use Android. Follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Launch Twitter on your Android or iOS device and navigate to the account you want to block.

Note: You can search for accounts using the Search button (magnified) in the bottom navigation bar.

Launch Twitter on your Android or iOS device

Step 2: Once you go to the profile you want to block, tap the three-dot icon in the top right corner.

Note: On the desktop, you’ll find a three-dot icon next to the Follow button.

tap the three dots icon

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, select Block. In the ‘Block’ confirmation [username]?’ pops up, tap Block.

tap Block

And that’s it! You have successfully blocked an account and will no longer see it on your Twitter account unless you choose to unblock them. If you want to review and manage your blocked accounts on Twitter, keep reading.

View and manage the list of blocked users on Twitter

The steps to view and manage a list of blocked users on Twitter are no different on the web than they are on Android or iOS. Follow the instructions below.

Note: For the demonstration, we will be using a desktop computer. However, you can follow the same steps if you’re using the Twitter app for Android or iOS.

Step 1: Go to Twitter from your preferred browser and log in to your account.

Open Twitter in your favorite browser

Step 2: Click Add from the left sidebar.

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Click More

Step 3: From the menu, go to ‘Settings and Support.’

go to 'Settings and Support'

Step 4: From the drop-down menu, select ‘Settings and privacy.’

select 'Settings and Privacy'

Step 5: Go to ‘Privacy and safety’ in the Settings page and select ‘Mute and block’.

select 'Mute and block'

Step 6: Select Blocked accounts under ‘Mute and block.’

Select Blocked Account

You’ll see a list of accounts you’ve blocked on Twitter. Click the Blocked button to unblock them if you change your mind, and this will remove them from the list.

If you find blocking someone too difficult or don’t want to cut off contact altogether, you can choose a more gentle approach called soft blocking. This method allows you to maintain the status quo while taking several measures; Continue reading.

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What is soft blocking on Twitter and how to soft block on Twitter

Soft blocking refers to a method of blocking and then immediately unblocking other users on the platform. When you soft block someone, it removes them from your follower list while allowing them to still follow you.

This action is often used as a polite way to remove someone’s follower status without directly unfollowing them or causing any confrontation. This is a more ingenious approach to managing your Twitter connections and maintaining your desired online presence. Here’s how to lightly block someone on Twitter; follow the steps below.

Note: The steps are the same for both web and mobile. However, for the sake of ease of demonstration, we will be using an Android device. Follow up.

Step 1: Launch Twitter on your Android or iOS device and navigate to the account you want to block.

Note: You can search for accounts using the Search button (magnified) in the bottom navigation bar.

Launch Twitter on your Android or iOS device

Step 2: Once you go to the profile you want to block, tap the three-dot icon in the top right corner.

Note: On the desktop, you’ll find a three-dot icon next to the Follow button.

tap the three dots icon

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, select Block. In the ‘Block’ confirmation [username]?’ pops up, tap Block.

tap Block

Step 4: Now tap on the Blocked button and from the pop-up select ‘Unblock’ [username].’

Note: Also, if you’re using a desktop computer, tap Undo in the pop-up to unblock the account.

choose 'Unblock' [username].

With this, you have successfully blocked someone on Twitter easily. If you have any questions that we missed in this article, check out the FAQs section below.

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FAQ about blocking someone on Twitter

1. What is the difference between mute and block?

Mute and block are two different actions on Twitter that serve separate purposes. When you mute someone, their tweets and retweets will no longer show up on your feed. However, you will still be connected as a follower and they will still be able to see and interact with your tweets. On the other hand, blocking someone on Twitter is a more severe action. When you block someone, they are completely cut off from your profile and interactions. They can’t follow you, view your tweets, send you direct messages, or tag you in their tweets.

2. Can I see someone’s tweets if they block me?

No, if someone blocks you on Twitter, you won’t be able to see their tweets. Being blocked limits your access to their profiles, tweets, and interactions. That means they have stopped all communication and hidden their Twitter account from you. So if you are blocked, you will not see their tweets or be unable to interact with their content on the platform.

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Knowing how to block or soft block someone on Twitter can greatly improve your time on the platform and create a safer online space. It gives you the power to manage your Twitter feed and protect your mental health.

So, if you find yourself in a situation where you need to block someone on Twitter, follow the simple steps explained in this article and take back control of your online interactions. You may also want to read how to make your Twitter account private and what happens when you do.

Categories: How to

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