How to Add and Remove Programs from Windows 10 Startup

Many programs or applications on Windows activate as soon as you start your Windows PC and start running in the background. The thing to keep in mind here is that startup applications can contribute to slow PC startup speed, so managing them is important.

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In older versions of Windows – Vista and 7 – users had to use Msconfig to add or remove programs from Windows startup, but Microsoft has made things a little simpler for Windows 8 and Windows 10.

We discussed how to add and remove programs from Windows 8 here, and the same process applies to managing startup programs for Windows 10.

Also read: Here’s how to turn off Windows 10 updates.

How to remove programs from Windows 10 startup?

Disabling a running program/app at startup only requires you to fire up the task manager — it’s really that simple plus a few more steps.

You can simply launch the task manager by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting Task Manager.


Once launched, click ‘Startup’ among the tabs at the top of Task Manager.


Then select the app that you want to stop launching at startup, right click and select ‘Disable’.


That’s it, now the disabled app won’t launch when the PC boots next time. You can activate the program later if needed through the Task Manager using the same steps.

How to add programs to Windows 10 Startup?

Adding a program to Windows 10’s start menu is a bit more complicated than just starting the task manager and turning it on/off.

You will need to access the Startup folder in your Windows folder in the drive where Windows is installed.

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You can try to get there through explorer or here is the faster way — Just type ‘shell:startup’ in the ‘Run’ box and it will fetch the startup directory for you.

Turn on3

The ‘shell’ command can be used to fetch any hidden or special Windows folder, as long as you know the name of the folder.

Once in the ‘Startup’ folder, find the program you want to add to the Windows 10 startup, then simply drag and drop it into the ‘Startup’ folder.

Activate 1

You will be asked if you want to create a shortcut or as in our case the shortcut will be created automatically after you drop the selected application into the ‘Startup’ folder.


You can now check if your program has been added from ‘Task Manager’ in the ‘Startup’ tab and can enable/disable it from there.

You can add as many applications to launch at the time of PC startup, but this can adversely affect the time your computer boots up as well as hinder its performance while running because many applications will shared system memory.

Categories: How to

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