Velma Combos in MultiVersus

Velma is classified as a horizontal support character.

She is a versatile character at long and close range.

Velma excels in 2v2 thanks to her support.

Therefore, you should not play her in 1v1 game mode.

In this tutorial you will learn the best Velma combos in MultiVersus, move with the input and annotate them.

  • Input Instructions for Velma
  • Combo Velma in MultiVersus
  • Velma moves in MultiVersus

Input Instructions for Velma

Input Legend

  • Neutral attack: Attack on the ground
  • Side Attack: Side Attack on the ground
  • Down Attack: Down attack on the ground
  • Up Attack: Up attack on the ground
  • Special Up: Special Up on the ground

Combo Velma in MultiVersus

Combo Velma in MultiVersus

Combo Velma in MultiVersus

  • Side Attack, Side Attack, Up Attack
  • Air Down + Attack, Air Up + Special, Jump Cancel, Air Up + Attack
  • Air Down + Attack, Jump Cancel, Air Dodge Up, Air Up + Attack

Velma moves in MultiVersus

Velma moves in MultiVersus

Velma Basic Attack

  • Support words – Neutral + Offensive
  • Quip Master/Light ‘Em Up – Side + Attack
  • Insightful Ideas/Clear Air Ideas – Up + Attack
  • Calculated Win/My Glasses! – Down + Attack

Velma special attack

  • Motivational speaker – Neutral + Special
  • Fast Thinkers / Hit The Books – Extra + Special
  • Toxic Concoction/Shutterbug – Upgrade + Special
  • Spreading Knowledge – Down + Special

Velma’s Passive Ability

  • SNOOPIN’ – During the match, EVIDENCE will appear and certain moves of Velma will spawn EVIDENCE. Velma and her allies can pick up EVIDENCE to increase her EVIDENCE Meter. When the meter is full, Velma can call the POLICE CAR. THE cop car will drive up and pick up the nearest enemy, DISABLE them and try to drive them off the map. Enemies have to FIGHT to get out of the cop car. Other enemy teammates can attack the vehicle to try to free their teammates.
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Velma’s side attacks have three hits like most of the list’s grounded side attacks.

Second Side Attack can be canceled as Up Attack.

Her aerial attack has a large damage box that can destroy your opponents.

Embarking on Side Air as close to the ground as possible is a great technique for hitting your opponent.

Velma’s finishing move is her Up Attack because it will make them leave the stage easily.

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Categories: How to

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