How to Hide What Game You’re Playing On Steam

If you are a gamer, Steam is the right place for you. It has a huge game library, great game deals, and a great way to connect with gaming friends. However, Steam shows all your gaming activity by default for your friends to see. Well, if you don’t want to share those details, this article will teach you how to hide the game you are playing on Steam.

How to hide the game you're playing on Steam

The content you play on Steam should be between you and the van. Whether it’s an NSFW game or any other game you’re embarrassed about, we’re sharing a few options for hiding games from your Steam library. Furthermore, the methods mentioned in this article are the same on Windows and Mac. So without further ado, let’s get started.

How to hide games in Steam library

This method is useful when someone has access to your PC and you want to keep your Steam purchases or Steam library private. On the other hand, you may have a lot of games in your library, making the games you’re looking for hard to find. Either way, it’s good to hide unnecessary games. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open the Steam app on your PC and go to the Library tab.

go to the Library tab

Step 2: Navigate to the game and right click on it, select Manage and select Hide this game.

go to Hide this game

That’s it. Steam will no longer show games you’ve hidden in your Steam Library. However, this does not hide the game from players on your Steam friends list. If you want to hide your status from selected friends, you can do that too.

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How to hide game activity in Steam Chat for some friends

If you don’t want to share your Steam status with a few friends, you can simply hide your gaming activity using Steam’s chat window. The steps are quite simple.

Step 1: Open the Steam app and select ‘Friends & Chat’.

select Friends & Chat

Step 2: Select the V (arrow) icon next to the player’s profile name.

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, select Manage and then select ‘Block All Communications.’

select Manage then select Block all communications

There you have it. Your status will be hidden from the selected person. Once you’re done playing, follow the same steps and click ‘Unblock All Communications.’ If you don’t want prying eyes but want to keep it hidden from everyone, keep reading.

How to hide Steam status in game from friends

Sometimes, you want to play a game you enjoy without being bothered by your friends. You can adjust your status so your friends don’t know. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open the Steam app and go to the Friends tab at the top of the screen.

go to the Friends tab at the top

Step 2: From the drop-down menu, select Offline or Hidden.

choose Offline or Hidden

Your go. Now you can play the game you like without being ridiculed by your friends. Once you’re done playing, you can change your Steam status to Online, in case you want to show your gameplay.

That said, please note that this method makes your profile offline or hidden; however, you can still chat with your close friends. Moreover, even when you are offline or hidden, other players can see your achievements and playing time if they visit your profile.

How to see the list of hidden games on Steam

It’s easy to see hidden games on Steam. Follow instructions.

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Step 1: Open the Steam app and go to View.

go to View from the top

Step 2: From the drop-down menu, select Hidden Games.

choose Hidden Games

That’s it. You will see the games hidden in the left panel under the Games tab. If you want, you can play the game in stealth mode.

Step 3: Navigate to Hidden Games, right-click on the title in the Games section and select Play.

right click on the title and select Play

Now, you may be wondering how to unhide Hidden Games on Steam. No need to guess; Move on to the next section to know how.

How to unhide games on Steam

You already know how to see Hidden Hands. Here are the steps to unhide Hidden Games on Steam. Follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Open the Steam app and navigate to the View option.

go to View from the top

Step 2: From the drop-down menu, select Hidden Games

choose Hidden Games

Step 3: Navigate and right click on the title, go to Manage and select ‘Remove from Hidden.’

go to Manage and select Remove from Hidden.

There you have it. Hidden Games will return to the Default Games section in the Library tab. Alternatively, if you think it’s not enough to hide your gaming activity, you can also make your Steam profile private.

How to make your Steam profile private

You can hide all the details if you want absolute privacy and don’t want anyone to know your game list, achievements or playing time. Here’s how to access Steam’s profile privacy options.

Step 1: Open the Steam app, click on your Steam profile avatar and select ‘View my profile.’

click on your Steam profile avatar

Step 2: Click the Edit Profile button.

Go to Edit Profile

Step 3: Click Privacy Settings from the left pane.

Click Privacy Settings

Step 4: Now, under My Profile, click the drop-down arrow and select Private.

Click Privacy Settings

Note: If you just want to block your total game time, you can check the box next to ‘Always keep my total playtime private even if the user can see your game details. I’.

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FAQ about hidden games on Steam

1. Can my friends see my hidden games on Steam?

If you have privacy enabled on your profile, no one including your friends can see your hidden games on Steam.

2. Does deleting a Steam collection delete the game?

No, removing the collection from Steam does not delete the game. It basically removes the collection card from the game. They are simply in the uncategorized tab because they are in no other collection.

3. Can people see your Steam searches?

If your profile is made public, your Steam searches can be viewed by anyone. You can change your profile to Friends Only or Private to block people from seeing your Steam searches.

Protect your privacy while playing games

Different users need different sets of privacy options, and Steam has it all. All of the steps and methods outlined above will allow you to tailor your gaming experience with Steam to the highest level possible. We hope this article will help you hide the game you are playing on Steam and improve your gaming experience without facing any prejudice.

Categories: How to

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