A Guide to Navigating through Twitter’s User Galleries

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There’s a lot that goes behind Twitter’s tweets. We have shown you the how’s and why’s right from the

complete guide to Twitter lists

to ways to

improve your Twitter experience


One other way (that is often ignored) to improve your Twitter experience is to use its image galleries as an effective form of communications. As the old cliché goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. When Twitter just speaks 140 letters, it should be the mouthpiece when you are feeling tweet-handicapped.

Twitter Image Galleries or the User Gallery is the place in your account where all the images you’ve uploaded in your Tweets are aggregated and organized. One of the limitations of a Twitter Image Gallery is that it stores only the last 100 images that were tweeted or re-tweeted. And it’s in chronological order.

Where Is The Twitter User Gallery?

The Twitter User Gallery is right on your main page. On the left, you can see the Recent Images thumbnails. Clicking on it takes you to the user gallery lightbox.

Twitter User Gallery01

The images are individually displayed in chronological order. Just to reiterate, all images are automatically posted to the user gallery when it is tweeted from Twitter or from a third-party tool like Instagram. In some cases you will see a black image being displayed, which is result of the third-party’s servers being temporarily overloaded. You can reply and favorite any image again from here. Strangely, the earlier grid view has been disabled so you have to view images one at a time.

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Do note that retweeted images will not appear in the user gallery. To make someone else’s image appear in your gallery, you have to manually copy the image URL and tweet it again. Preferably, do re-tweet someone else’s photos this way. Keep your user gallery more personal.

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Deleting an image

When you delete an image, the tweet that contains the image is also deleted from your timeline. But if you delete a Tweet containing an image hosted by a third-party service, the image will be removed only from your user gallery. To remove the image from the third party service, you’ll need to sign in and delete it there again.

Using the Twitter User Gallery More Effectively

To be a better Tweep, you can use the user gallery more proactively. Here are a few tips…

  • Make a tweet more memorable by using a photo. The tweet can serve as the caption while the photo does the telling.
  • Our visual memories are more long-serving than what we read. Increase your engagement with your followers and cut through the clutter with an image.
  • You can tell a complete story using a series of tweets in chronological order and illustrating each with a photo. For example, share your travel stories as you go around your itinerary. Or a visit to an art gallery.
  • The user gallery is free of advertising. If you have a blog or a business, you can use powerful images as hooks to draw in traffic.

Brands are using user galleries as powerful grapevines. Verizon Wireless; Chevrolet; Home Depot; and Life Magazine come to mind. There are many others of course. Have you paid attention to your user gallery lately?

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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