How to Configure DD-WRT Advanced Settings on Routers

Router is one of those devices in your home that doesn’t get much attention. It is set up once by you or a technician who comes to install your local internet connection, and then stored in a corner or under a table. Although things have changed a bit now as manufacturers have provided some additional features, like cloud sync, downloader, torrent support, etc., in addition to the functionality of the suite. routing, but these features are only available in the mid to higher range. The truth is, most routers used by people usually cost less. But that doesn’t mean they can’t do much.

Router Dd WrtSpeed ​​Up Your Router! | shutter

DD-WRT is open source firmware for routers, developed and designed to give many of those 150n devices more software features and stability. We’ve covered how to install DDWRT on your router before, so we won’t cover it again. Instead, we will talk about the many advanced features provided in DD-WRT, what they are and how to use them.

Hot Tip: Feeling lacking in your router’s WiFi coverage? You can easily extend it using an old or inexpensive router as a repeater.


Before we begin, please make sure you are covered for the following:

  • We’ll be using a lot of networking-related jargon, so go through our explainers on IP addresses, DNS, etc.
  • You have DD-WRT installed and running on your router. If your router doesn’t support DD-WRT or isn’t willing to go through all that trouble, depending on the make and model of the router, many of these can be provided by the program your manufacturer’s stock base.
  • You can access the internet through some other channel for quick lookup in case something goes wrong.
  • Backup your current router settings. Almost all routers have a backup file download feature that you can use to restore settings. This is usually located in the Administration/Management settings menu.
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Filter MAC

Wireless > MAC FilterEvery network-related device has a unique address for identification, called a MAC address. Laptops, mobile phones, desktop computers, routers, etc all have a unique MAC address assigned to them. MAC filtering, as you might have guessed, filters devices based on their MAC addresses. Here MAC filtering is for wireless networks. It allows/denies connections to devices whose MAC addresses are entered in the filter list.

Mac Filters

The settings shown in the image above are self-explanatory. To modify the MAC address, click

Edit MAC filter list

, this window will open where you have to enter the MAC address in the table. There is a provision to add up to 256 addresses, which is more than enough for even advanced users.

Mac address filter list

Reserve DHCP addresses

Service > DHCP ServerSince every device on the network has a unique identity in the form of a MAC address, it is also assigned an IP address, which is its address on the network. DHCP is a service that assigns IP addresses to devices connected to the network and ensures that no two devices have the same address, avoiding conflicts. However, these addresses are temporary, meaning they are assigned to the device for a certain period of time, known as a lease.

Static rental

DHCP address reservation is used to assign fixed IP addresses to devices that connect to the network frequently, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. This is useful when you are using Remote Desktop, FTP and other services that require knowing the IP Address. To assign a permanent address to a device, go to


> DHCP Server

in the static lease, enter the MAC address of the device you want to address, enter the hostname of your choice so you can remember which device it is, and finally the IP address you want to assign it to.

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Block website

Restrict access > WAN access

Block by URL Ketword

As the name suggests, this feature is for


some websites from being accessed. Sites can be blocked by entering their address (URL) or, for a broader approach, based on certain keywords.

Service is blocked

Some apps can also be blocked by selecting them from a predefined list or adding a custom entry by clicking


. ticks

Catch them all

P2P Protocol

will block anything torrent related on the network.

Wake up on LAN

Administration > WOLThis feature only applies to Desktop. Once you enable wake on LAN, you can start any PC connected to your router’s LAN port remotely by sending a magic packet. You can choose from the servers that are already connected to the router by ticking the checkbox below Activate WOL columns for available servers.

Install Wo LOL

To create a custom entry, fill in

MAC Address


server name

of the PC in the respective fields and click

More servers

. To wake up a specific PC, open the router’s web interface, navigate to the WOL page, and press

Wake up

next to the PC name.

Remote router access

Administration > Management > Web AccessMost of us know that accessing the router means typing and pressing enter. But this will only work if you are on a home network. To access your router from anywhere, you need to enable the remote access setting and will need your router’s external IP, i.e. the IP address assigned to it by your ISP.

Remote access

In a simplified world, DDNS would give your router a unique address instead of a string of numbers that are hard to remember. For how to set up DDNS, follow us

advance instructions

. To access your router from outside your network, enter the DDNS address or external IP address followed by the port number in the router.

Web GUI portal


Service quality

NAT/QoS > QoSQuality of Service is an interesting term for controlling the speed of each device as well as the speed of the internet connection. In addition to rate control, priority can be set based on packet type, application type, and MAC address. To change any setting in the QoS tab, you need to enable it first by selecting Allow because Start QoS.

QoS settings

It is divided into three main sections, Interface Priority, Service Priority & MAC Priority. We will only use MAC Priority because the other priorities are also quite complicated to set up. Priority is divided into five categories,

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Max, Premium, Fast, Standard



For example, if your intended use is primarily HD video streaming on your iPad, then you should make your iPad’s MAC address your top priority. Likewise, gamers should make their PC’s MAC address a top priority.

Prioritize Macs

In addition to priority, download as well as upload speed can also be fixed for each MAC address.

Stop thinking

These features are just the tip of the iceberg, DDWRT is much more and covering it all is beyond the scope of this article. Also, we used the basic 150n router for this article, the higher end models have more features like remote downloader, dual-band configuration, MIMO, beamforming, etc. Have any doubts or thoughts, feel free to share them at our discussion forums.

Categories: How to

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