How To De-clutter and Organize Your Desktop With Fences

A few days ago we showed you how FSL Launcher eliminates desktop clutter. It’s a great tool but has a small problem. In the FSL launcher we have to move the desktop icons inside the tool and we need to launch it every time to click on the desktop icons. It uses its own interface to manage screen clutter instead of doing it on the screen itself.

Today, we’re going to talk about a more powerful tool that takes desktop organization to the next level. It’s called the Fence. It creates a container for desktop icons and arranges them in groups.

Once installed, it will ask you to use any of the available layouts. It automatically creates new fences and tries to arrange the icons within them. You can delete or rename those fences or create your own. All you need to do to create a fence is to draw a square (or rectangle) on the desktop using the right mouse button.

Desktop 1

When you release the right mouse button, a link will appear saying “create new fence here”. Click on it and give the fence a name. Now drag your icons inside it. Create as many as you like and group icons within them (as I’ve done in the screenshot above). You can also choose a layout by going to Configure Fences – > Fences – > Layouts.

Renaming can be done by right clicking. The option “Configure Fences” can be found on the context menu. There are many other options available. You can customize the background color of the fence according to transparency, brightness, hue and saturation.

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Alternatively, you can choose to label the fence. There are three options: never show, on hover, and always (I chose the second option for a better arrangement of icons).

fence option

The magic part of this tool is the double click feature. Double click on the desktop and it will hide all the icons. Double click again to show them. There is no need to use “Show desktop icons” when right-clicking to show or hide icons.

There is also a “Snapshot or backup” feature to back up the fences you have created. There are two snapshots available: the built-in snapshot and the first use snapshot.

It can backup your current screen and save it for future use. If you feel your settings aren’t right, you can switch back to your previous settings by clicking on the snapshot. Before converting, it will prompt you to save your current settings.


Overall, this is definitely a must-have tool if your screen is a mess. It not only removes clutter but also makes it look attractive.

Like this tool? Do you use something else to organize your desktop? Share your experience in the comments.

Categories: How to

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