How to Add Travel Times to iPhone and iPad Calendar

If you usually have a lot of appointments and meetings take up most of your day, then the Calendar app on your iPhone or iPad should be one of the apps you spend the most time in. Here’s a tip to help you not only view your event more easily, but also see how long it will take you to get there. Few iOS users know about this, but in fact both iPhone and iPad can use your location information on the Calendar app to calculate how long it will take you to get to your appointment.

Me Phone Calendar Events Location Main Travel Time

Follow the steps below to learn how to enable this amazing feature.

Step 1: The first thing you must know before proceeding is that for this tip to work, the event that you want travel time needs to have a location. You can easily add one once you create an event.

I Phone Calendar Events Location1

Step 2: Okay, once that’s done, start by opening the Calendar app on your iOS device, then search for the event you want to add travel time to. Click on it to open it.

I Phone Calendar Events Display

Once on the event screen, tap Editor to make some modifications.

I Phone Calendar Events Edit

Step 3: On the next screen, scroll down and tap the . icon Travel time select. Next, tap the button next to Travel time to enable this feature.

I Phone Calendar Travel Time I Phone Calendar Events Travel Time Edit

Step 4: If you did it right, you will now see an option to choose a travel time in or location or by choosing any of the default times shown below.

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This is why it’s important to feature a location when you create your new event. If you don’t, you won’t be given the option to use travel times based on actual distances as measured by maps on your iPhone.

Step 5: After activating Travel Time, you will see the option to choose a starting location. Tap that option and then enter the starting location just like you would any other entry on the Maps app. When your desired starting point is displayed, select it and back up to the previous screen.

I Phone Calendar Start Location

Step 6: Now that you’ve selected your starting point, on this screen you’ll be given the option to display location-based event travel times for driving or walking directions (as shown in Fig. shown in the figure above).

Step 7: Make your selection and then tap Edit events at the top left of the screen. Then tap Finished.

Me Phone Calendar Event Location Done I Phone Calendar Events Last Location

And that’s it. Now, every time you open that event, it will show both travel times and even a small portion of the map where your appointment will take place. Enjoy!

Categories: How to

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