How to Mirror a Windows Phone Screen on a Windows PC

One of the new features in Windows Phones in the Windows 8.1 update is Project my screen option in the settings menu. Using this option, you can easily mirror your phone to your Windows computer with a USB cable and see everything happening on the screen directly on your computer.

Screen projectionScreen projection. shutter

Let’s see how to do that easily. This tip can be useful for users who need to display their Windows smartphone activity on large screens and projectors. In addition, users who just want to play their games on a 15″ or 21″ screen can connect and enjoy the thrill.

Just to be clear, this tip will only mirror the phone’s screen to the desktop, and you won’t be able to interact with the phone using a computer and mouse. The connection is one-way and only commands given on the phone are mirrored on the screen.

Cool Tip: Learn how you can mirror your Android screen to your computer using your browser and Wi-Fi.

Screen projection

To get started, download and install a nifty app called Project My Screen on your Windows computer. The application works on Windows 7 and above, and the installation is quite simple. The application creates an icon on the desktop at the end of the installation process – make sure you do not uncheck this option as it will be a bit difficult to find the executable in the system drive.

The Screen Project

Now connect the phone to the computer using the USB cable. If the Project My Screen application is running, you will see a pop-up on the screen. Enable screen projection and you should be able to see your Windows phone on your computer screen. If the pop-up doesn’t show up when you connect your phone, manually navigate to settings and tap the option Project my screen.

Screen Project

That’s all, whatever you do on your Windows phone will be projected on your Windows computer. Landscape and portrait modes will also be visible to the virtual phone’s changing orientation. There are several commands available when you press the F1 button. You can force orientation here and toggle picture modes. This can be useful even when playing games.

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Projection screenstyle playcommand

If for some reason your phone isn’t detected by Windows, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take. Open the Windows device manager and find the portable Windows device. Now uninstall the Windows Phone mobile device along with the USB Hubs associated with the device. Once that’s done, plug your Windows phone back into the computer and wait for the driver to install.

Remove driver


That’s how you can mirror your Windows Phone screen to your computer with a USB cable. I did not observe any lag on the phone when projecting the screen and the game was smooth too. Try it out and see for yourself!

Categories: How to

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