Use Preview to Combine Multiple Images, Batch Resize, Rotate

Preview as Image Editor

Many of us have Macs and don’t rely entirely on smartphones (yes, there are still some of us) who want to do at least some basic image editing from time to time. However, sometimes we tend to believe that only advanced programs fit our needs to do so. Nothing could be better than the truth.

In fact, we’ve previously shown you how the Preview app that comes with every Mac can not only perform some advanced image editing tasks, but also how you can even edit and manage PDF files with it.

This time, we’re going to discuss some tips that will show you how Preview can perform better than is acceptable as a basic image editor, allowing you to make some tweaks. neat fix when working with my image files.


Combine multiple images in one PDF

What happens when you have several images that you want to display or just keep to yourself, but you also don’t want to have to scroll through them all or have to display them one by one?

For this, Preview has a great option that allows you to create PDFs that can hold up to 16 of your images. To create these files, open your images in a Preview window, select them all on the left sidebar and press Command + P to display the printed table.

Preview all selected

When this panel is open, click Show details to expand it and show Presentation section at the bottom right of the panel.

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Preview Show details

There, select Presentation from the drop-down menu as shown below, then select the number of pages per sheet, which determines how many images will appear on each page of your PDF.

1 . layout preview2 . preview layout3 . preview layout

When you’re done, click the . icon PDF button and select Open PDF in Preview to display all your files, this time in much fewer pages.

Preview Open PdfPreview 9 images

Open multiple images in the same preview window

Sometimes, when you need to work with a group of image files, it can be quite inconvenient to open them individually or in separate groups in Preview. Thankfully, if you access the app InterestUnder overview you will find the option to open all files in the same Preview window.

Preview Open the same windowPreview the same window

Rotate and resize images in batches

This tip is very simple but extremely convenient. If you have a bunch of images that you want to rotate in the same direction, resize to the same size or both, instead of doing it one by one, just open them all in one Preview window and select all of them on the left sidebar.

Then, at the top of the screen, click Tools and then on Resizing…. This will open a panel where you can choose the new size of the image as well as choose other parameters.

Preview Adjust SizeSize Specs Preview

In the same way, after selecting all your images, click Turn at the top of the Preview window will rotate them all.

Preview Rotate

Change the overall look of your images

If you want to change the look of your images, Preview has a great feature for that, which works similarly to when you apply filters to your smartphone photos. Preview calls this feature Color Profiles.

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To change the color profile of any image file, open the file and on the menu bar click Tools and then on Specify profile…. A new selection box will display.

Preview Specify Profiles

On it, select a new color profile from ColorSync Profile: field and then click ALRIGHT.

Color Profile Preview2 . color profile preview

Also, by clicking Tools on the menu bar and select Adjust color… Optionally, you’ll have access to a pretty powerful color adjustment tool that allows you to fine-tune your image even further.

Preview Color AdjustmentColor palette preview

And there you have them. A bunch of options you might not know the preview has, and that makes it a pretty good basic image editor. Have fun!

Categories: How to

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