Use Karen’s Directory Printer to Print File and Folder List in Windows

If you are trying to print a list of filenames in a directory or print a list of directories, there is no direct method to do it. If it’s a small window you can take a screenshot and print it out, but that’s just a workaround, not a solution.

Let’s take an example. You want to print out all the files in the Program Files folder of the C drive. As you know, the program files folder has a hierarchical tree of files, folders, and subfolders, and this list cannot be printed directly. Not until you use Karen’s Directory Printer.

Karen’s Directory Printer is a free Windows utility that can print the names of all files inside folders and subfolders. There are many printing options available. You can include information such as file creation date, last modified date, last accessed date, file size, file name, folder name, etc.

How to print with Karen’s contacts printer

Karens . directory

Look at the screenshot above. You will notice that there are multiple tabs available at the top. Move to the “Print” tab. Now select the folder on the left where you want to print the details. You can also see there is “Printing Options” in the middle. Select that option.

If you want to print the details of the files in the folder, select “File information only”. Similarly, you can select the “Folder info only” option to print out the details of the folders. And if you want to print both details, select “Both File and Folder Options”.

Karens1 . Directory

Below is a second screenshot of the same window. Here you can see on the right there are various options to choose from and include file details. For example, you can check and include folder name, number of subfolders, number of files, folder size, parent folder, etc. to include folder details.

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You can sort files by filename, extension, file size, creation date, etc. There is also folder information at the bottom right.

Karens11 directory

After sorting all the settings, press the “Print” button at the bottom left. The program will print a detailed directory report for you.

How to create file and folder details and save it to your computer

To generate a bibliography report, go to the “Save to Disk” tab. Now select the folder on the left and select all the options. Click the “Save to disk” button at the bottom left. It will ask you where you want to save the report. Select the appropriate folder (I chose desktop) and save the report. It will take some time to create the details depending on the size of the folder you choose.

Once done, you should see a file named DirPrnInfo.txt on the location you chose to save the file. Open the file and check all the details.

Karens2 . Directory

Below is a screenshot of the DirPrnInfo.txt file generated by Karen’s Directory Printer.

folder details

That’s how you can print folder details and save it on your computer. Overall, this is the best tool to use if you are looking to create file and folder details or print directory listings.

Download Karen’s Directory Printer to print file, directory, and directory listings.

Categories: How to

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