Imgur Pro is Now Free – Here’s How to Make the Most of It


If you are a member of the Reddit community, you know what Imgur is. That’s the site most redditors use to post images. Outside of Reddit, Imgur is not so popular right now.

Ultimately it is a photo sharing website. Where you can upload a photo, share the URL with others, and let them comment on it. You know, like Flickr or Facebook or Google+.

Imgur is a bit different though. You don’t need an account to upload an image, and although the upload quality isn’t as good as Flickr, it doesn’t have any restrictions. Imgur is also fast.

On its 6th birthday, Imgur announced that it will be making its $3/month Imgur Pro service free for all users. What does it mean? There are no limits on uploads, albums and some other perks. why do you need care? Read to find out.

Imgur Pro Sitrep

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Here’s what the free account currently offers you:

  • Unlimited photo uploads to albums (previously 255 photos/album limit)
  • More thumbnail options

But there’s one thing it doesn’t give you and that’s an ad-free experience. Imgur Pro has removed the ads from the site and now you are stuck with them. But there is a way around that. Trusted ad blocker.

What can you use Imgur for?

Why do you need Imgur when you have Flickr, Google+ and more? Imgur is good at some specific things. Consider the following use cases.

  • Quickly upload images from the web or mobile apps and get a link that’s publicly shareable. You can then send the link to anyone. Since Imgur doesn’t have a key, they won’t need to sign up for an account to watch (like Facebook, for example).
  • Create a private album and share the URL only with the people you want. Imgur’s web view, especially Blog looks pretty sweet. Upload your latest travel photos, share the link with your friends and family and you’re done.
  • Imgur has a pretty cool meme generator and a service that lets you create GIFs from web videos.
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Imgur Memesc

I am sure that Unlimited free use part have you excited. But as I thought and tried, you can’t really use it for productivity purposes. For instance, it can’t replace CloudApp, allowing me to take a screenshot and paste the public link into my clipboard. It would be great if someone made it.

I also wouldn’t use Imgur to back up my private photos. First of all, I don’t trust Imgur very much. And second, due to the way Imgur is structured, with the community aspect in mind, there’s nothing really private there (unless you lock it down completely). I mean, someone could keep typing random Imgur URLs and stumble across your unindexed images.

Get an account, change settings

While you can upload images to Imgur without creating an account, they will be publicly indexed. To prevent that, first sign up for an account and then from the top right there is a drop down Gear icon, go to yours Account Settings.

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Here you will see Default Album Privacy. Change that from Public ARRIVE Hide. This means that only users with a direct link to the album will be able to view the album. You can also go Secret routing and blocking altogether.

In the next option – Public and private uploadselect Private. This will prevent your images from being indexed publicly. Check out Imgur’s help on privacy for more details.

How do you use it?

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Besides searching, uploading, and voting on cat photos, what else do you use Imgur for? I mean there are Chrome and Firefox extensions and Android apps, all with an upload feature to make things easy. Share your experience in the comments below.

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Upvotemecatcupvote me please. imgur cat.

Categories: How to

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