Sync Folders Anywhere on Mac with Dropbox, Google Drive

Dropbox’s premise is simple. You get a folder (a box, if you will) where you can drop whatever you want, which is then backed up to Dropbox’s servers and synced easily between all of your devices. you (including mobile devices). Maybe that’s a bit too simplistic.

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For example, you cannot sync files located outside of Dropbox’s folder. You can create symlinks yourself, but that can be troublesome. When you use Dropbox to sync files or folders, you can’t use anything else. For instance, a file in your Dropbox folder can’t be in your Google Drive folder either. If you’re a fan of multi-layered backups, this could be a downside.

MacDropAny is an application that will solve both problems (by creating symlinks for you).

Everything in the Cloud: See our comparison between Dropbox, Google Drive, and SpiderOak. Plus, see how you can automatically back up all your photos from your iPhone or Android.

How to use MacDropAny

MacDropAny is a process-based application. You start by selecting the folder you want to sync.

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Then you choose a cloud storage service (Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Mega, iCloud Drive, OneDrive or MediaFire). I have installed clients for Dropbox and Google Drive so I use Dropbox first.

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This will open the Dropbox folder. Now you need to select the folder where you want to sync the local files. You can decide to sync with the original folder or create a new folder. Authenticate and you’re done.

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Now the local file will be hotlinked to Dropbox. Whenever you make any changes to a local file, it will be synced with the Dropbox instance.

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Synchronize the same file with multiple cloud backup services

After adding a folder to Dropbox, I decided to do the same with Google Drive. The process is the same. Only difference, when choosing a cloud backup service, you choose Google Drive.

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All working perfectly. To test, I created a new file in the folder and it synced instantly to both Dropbox and Google Drive. Just to be sure, I went to Dropbox and opened the file from there. No problem.

This is a small but significant feature.

The ability to sync files, folders, and apps outside of Dropbox or Google Drive is already great. You can back up apps, app data, even iCloud backups this way.

But the ability to back up a file between two services is just surreal. This means that even if for some reason one backup service isn’t right for you, you still have another ready to go.

How would you use MacDropAny?

How do you plan to use this new found Dropbox sync solution? Share with us in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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