How To Efficiently Batch Rename Files Using Personal Renamer

Let’s say you transfer photos from a Sony digital camera to a computer. By default, it will name like “DSC001”, etc. for each photo. To identify the images, you usually rename them. Renaming hundreds of photos is obviously not an easy task.

Personal Renamer is a great tool that can be used to batch rename files easily. It is different from other renaming tools because you can also set it to track a specific folder for a specific period of time. If you move any file into that folder, it will automatically rename that file according to the values ​​you have set.

Change personal name1

Here are step-by-step instructions for using this tool.

1. Download and install Personal Renamer on your computer. It is available as freeware for Windows users.

2. Run the application. You will see two panes in the interface. On the left, you’ll find your PC’s drive letters. You can expand it by clicking the + icon next to it. On the right there are two boxes. One for the source and one for the destination.

3. Expand the drive on the left and select the folder where all the existing files will be renamed. Right click on the folder and select the option “Set current selection as Source folder”.

source folder name

Similarly, right click on the destination folder and select the option “Set current selection as destination folder”.

Note: To avoid any confusion here, we are using two different source and destination directories. You can always set the source folder as the destination folder. After renaming you will only get those renamed files in that folder.

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renaming test folder

This is a view of the source and destination folders and the files within them. Check “Delete source Files” if you want to delete the original files. In the output you will get the renamed file in the target directory. If source and destination folder are same then you can just get renamed file as output.

Now look at the tab given below. A total of three tabs are provided: Replace String/File Properties Options, Consecutive Numbering/Letter, Folder (Auto Rename). Each tab has its own function.


1. String Replacement/File Properties Options

Take Tab 1, i.e. String Replacement/File Properties Options. Here you can replace the entire filename, rename the file to lowercase, rename the file to uppercase, remove all numbers and letters from the filename. You can also replace filename and file extension characters.

Personal renaming function

2. Consecutive Numbers/Letters

Tab 2 is Numbering/Letter in a row. Here you can add a prefix/suffix to the filename. For example, in the given screenshot below, I have added the prefix “Himanshu” to the filename.


3. Folder Monitoring (Auto Rename) [ Advanced Feature ]

Tab 3 is Directory Monitor (Automatically rename). This is an advanced feature of this tool. You can monitor any folder for a specific period of time and it will automatically rename the new file added to the folder.

Personal renaming screen

Set the time and click the “Start Screen” button. A dialog box appears showing you a message (shown in the screenshot below). Click OK.

personal name change

After customizing all the settings, go to Run->Start. The renaming process will begin. It will take a fraction of a second to rename all the files. It also comes with advanced settings for viewing hidden files and folders. Also, it can detect system folders and files. It also has a history folder option to save recent folder activities.

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personal name change

Overall, it’s an advanced file renaming tool to rename files in bulk with ease.

Download Personal Renamer for efficient batch renaming of files on Windows.

Categories: How to

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