Make Desktop Version of Internet Explorer 10 Default in Windows 8

For those of you who love Internet Explorer and choose it as your default browser, I have great news for you. Windows 8 will ship with not one but two versions of Internet Explorer 10.

One of the versions will be the default desktop version that we have long worked on on previous versions of Windows. The second version of Internet Explorer in Windows 8 is the Metro UI version and we will all see it for the first time.

ie 10 subways

If you use the Start Screen (Start Menu) to launch Internet Explorer, Windows opens the Metro IE UI for you, and if you start Internet Explorer with your desktop, it opens the desktop version just fine. Now the problem is, by default, IE is set to choose the version it will launch on its own for links and most of the time it’s the metro app being launched. Although the Metro version of IE is very polished with many eye-catching points, it is very difficult to work with it.

Moreover, most plugins don’t work with Metro version and sometimes Flash and Java also fail. In such a case, if you want to use IE, I suggest you to set the desktop version as default until Microsoft comes up with a solid solution for their version of Metro.

You can always click Setting in the Metro version and click options view on the Desktop, but to make the change permanent, follow these steps to change the default settings.

Open on desktop

Step 1: Launch the start screen and search for internet options. Click on the icon Internet Options in the Settings section to launch Internet Explorer’s properties windows.

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Internet Options

Step 2: In the properties window, navigate to the Program tab and select Always in Internet Explorer on desktop from the drop-down menu in the Open Internet Explorer section and save the settings.

Choose Default i.e

From today onwards, all your links will open in the desktop version of Internet Explorer as long as you are not working on the Metro Edition.

The fact that you have to choose the desktop version is not a hard and fast rule. We all have different preferences and if you think the Metro UI look is more suitable for you, you can continue to use it as the default version of Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8.

My judgment

If you ask my opinion, I would say that you install a better product like Firefox or Chrome. I use Internet Explorer but only once after every fresh install of Windows on my system and that’s just because there’s no other way to download Chrome’s settings file.

Wl Smile1 . emoticon

(Having said, it will be interesting to see how IE 10 beats the competition. Ars Technica says it’s not bad. I haven’t tried it yet, but if you’ve tried it and think it can beat Chrome or Firefox with its features, we’d love to know.)

Image credit: evil nickname

Categories: How to

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