How to Turn On or Off “Save Video” on TikTok

Do you want to enable or disable the “Save Video” option on TikTok?

The “Save Video” option allows you to enable or disable people to download your TikTok videos.

When you tap the option, the video will be saved in your camera roll.

The “Save Video” option can be found when you tap the share icon on the video.

However, some videos do not have this option because the user has turned it off.

In this guide, you will learn how to enable or disable the “Save Video” option on TikTok.

  • How to enable “Save video” on TikTok
  • How to turn off “Save video” on TikTok

How to enable “Save video” on TikTok

To enable “Save Video” on TikTok, navigate to “Privacy” and enable the “Allow your videos download” setting.

After you enable the setting, anyone can download your TikTok videos.

They can download any of your videos by tapping the share icon followed by “Save Video”.

The “Allow your video download” setting is similar to the “Save video” option.

If you enable this option, anyone can save your TikTok videos to their camera roll.

On the other hand, if you turn this off, people won’t be able to download your TikTok videos.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this.

1. Navigate to “Privacy”

Privacy Tiktok

Go to your TikTok profile > three dots > Privacy.

The first step is to navigate to your privacy settings.

First, open TikTok on your mobile device.

Then, access your TikTok profile by tapping the “Me” icon on the bottom navigation bar.

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Once you’re on your profile, tap the three dots in its right corner.

Tapping the three dots will open the settings and privacy page.

On the settings and privacy page you will see multiple headings including “Account”, “Content & Activity”, “Cache & Cellular Data”, etc.

Under the “Account” heading, you’ll see a “Privacy” tab.

Tap “Privacy” to go to your privacy settings.

Continue with the next few steps to learn how to navigate to the option where you can enable or disable your TikTok video download.

2. Tap “Allow to download your videos”

How to allow your videos to be downloaded on TikTok

Safety > Allow your video to be downloaded.

After you tap on “Privacy”, you will go to the privacy page.

On the security page, you’ll be able to change your account type, personalization, and safety settings.

Scroll down the page until you get to the “Safety” heading.

Just below “Safe”, you will see the setting “All your videos will be downloaded”.

This setting allows you to turn it on or off

Tap the “All your videos will be downloaded” setting.

Proceed to the final step to learn how to enable the setting.

3. Select the “On” option

How to enable "Save video" on TikTok

Select the “On” option > triple-tap the back icon to return to your profile.

Finally, after tapping on the “All your videos will be downloaded” setting, you will be able to enable it.

There are two options on the settings page including “On” and “Off”.

Select “On” to enable the “Save Video” option on TikTok.

Then, tap the back icon three times to go back to your profile.

After you enable this setting, anyone can download your videos.

They can do so by navigating to your video > share icon > save video.

You have successfully learned how to enable the “Save Video” option on TikTok!

If you want to prevent people from saving your video, move on to the next section to learn how.

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How to turn off “Save video” on TikTok

To turn off “Save videos” on TikTok, navigate to “Privacy” and turn off the “Allow downloading your videos” setting.

After you turn off the setting, no one will be able to download your TikTok videos.

However, people can still save your videos by recording them with a screen recorder.

Therefore, there is no way to prevent others from saving your videos once you have uploaded them to TikTok.

Turning off the “Allow to download your videos” option just makes it harder for people to save your videos because they have to record them manually.

That said, if you want to reduce the number of saves to your videos, you can turn off the “Save Video” option on TikTok.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this.

1. Navigate to “Privacy”

TikTok settings and privacy

Go to your TikTok profile > three dots > Privacy.

To get started, open TikTok on your mobile device.

Then, navigate to your TikTok profile by tapping the “Me” icon on the bottom navigation bar.

Once you’re on your profile, tap the three dots at the top right of that profile.

This will open the settings & privacy page.

Tap “Privacy” to go to your privacy settings.

Move on to the next few steps to learn how to prevent your TikTok videos from downloading.

2. Tap “Allow to download your videos”

How to turn off video downloads on TikTok

Safety > Allow your video to be downloaded.

After you tap on “Privacy”, you will go to the privacy settings page.

Scroll down the page until you find the heading “Safety”.

Just below the safety heading, you will see many safety settings like the “Allow downloading your videos” setting.

Tap “Allow to download your video” to change the settings for it.

Skip to the final step to learn how to disable the “Save Video” option on TikTok.

3. Select the “Off” option

How to turn off "Save video" on TikTok

Select the “Off” option > triple-tap the back icon to return to your profile.

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On the “Allow to download your videos” setting, you will see “On” and “Off” options.

The “On” option allows people to save/download your TikTok videos.

Otherwise, the “Off” option prevents people from saving/downloading your TikTok videos.

Select the “Off” option to prevent people from saving your videos on TikTok.

Then tap the back button three times to return to your profile.

To check if the option is disabled, tap the share icon on your video and see if the “Save Video” option is greyed out.

If the option is greyed out, you have disabled it.

You have successfully learned how to turn off the “Save Video” option on TikTok!


TikTok makes it easy for anyone to download videos from the “Save Video” option.

By default, the option is enabled, which means anyone can download your TikTok videos.

TikTok lets you control that option through the “Allow your videos download” setting.

If you want to prevent your videos from downloading, you can disable that setting.

However, if you don’t mind people downloading your videos, you can turn on the “Allow downloading your videos” setting.

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Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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