How to See Follow Requests on TikTok

If you switch to a private account on TikTok, people will have to send you a follow request to follow you.

In order for them to watch your video, you need to accept their follow request.

Otherwise, they won’t be able to see your feed.

If your account is set to public, you don’t have to worry about accepting follow requests.

This is because anyone can follow you on TikTok.

On the other hand, if you have a private account and you’re not sure if you have a follow-up request, this guide is for you.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to view follow requests on TikTok.

You’ll also learn how to submit a follow request on TikTok if you want to follow a private account.

  1. How to view follow requests on TikTok
  2. How to send a follow request on TikTok

How to view follow requests on TikTok

To view follow requests on TikTok, you need to switch to a private account first.

Once you’ve switched to a private account, navigate to your inbox and tap “Follow Requests.”

Going private means that people will have to send you a follow request before they can follow you on TikTok.

These follow-up requests will be sent to your inbox.

If you don’t want random people watching your TikTok videos, it’s a good idea to switch to a private account.

Otherwise, anyone can see your TikTok videos on your profile.

However, please note that your video will not be shown on anyone’s “For You” page if your account is set to private.

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Also, hashtags won’t work because your video won’t be shown on hashtag search results.

So before switching to a private account, be aware that your views and engagement will drop drastically.

Here’s a 3-step guide on how you can view your follow requests on TikTok (with screenshots).

1. Switch to a private account

TikTok private account

Open TikTok > “Me” icon > three dots > Privacy > Personal account > enable.

Skip this step if you have made your TikTok account private.

The first step to seeing follow requests on TikTok is to switch to a private account.

If you have a public account, you won’t be able to view follow requests.

This is because anyone who follows you will automatically be your follower.

In other words, people don’t need your approval to follow you.

To switch to a private account on TikTok, tap the “Me” icon on the bottom navigation bar.

After tapping on the “Me” icon, you will go to your TikTok profile.

In the right corner of your TikTok profile, you’ll see three dots.

Tap the three dots to open the menu.

On the menu, tap “Privacy” below the “Account” heading.

Under the “Discoverability” heading, you’ll see a “Private Account” option.

Turn on the “Private account” option to switch to a private account on TikTok.

If you currently have a business account, TikTok will warn you that you will lose access to business features like analytics.

If so, tap “Switch to Personal Account” to confirm the conversion.

Proceed to the next step to learn how to find your tracking requests.

2. Go to your inbox and tap on “Request Tracking”

How to view follow requests on TikTok

Inbox > On Demand.

If you have made your TikTok account private, your followers will be marked as requesting to follow.

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In order for people to follow you, you need to accept their follow request.

To view your follow-up requests, tap the “Inbox” icon on the bottom navigation bar.

Once you’ve tapped your inbox, you’ll get to the activity page.

On the activity page, you will see all your TikTok notifications (ex: likes, comments, replies).

You will also be able to view your tracking requests.

Your follow-up request can be seen at the top of the activity page.

For example, if you have 10 follow-up requests, you’ll see a “10” next to a red dot.

Tap “Track Requests” to view your tracking requests.

3. Accept or delete your follow requests

TikTok make-to-order

Accept or delete tracking requests.

After tapping on “Request to Follow”, you will see a list of people who have sent you follow requests on TikTok.

You can accept or delete a tracking request.

Accepting a follow request will cause the person to follow you.

Otherwise, removing a follow request will prevent them from following you.

You have successfully learned how to view your follow requests on TikTok!

How to send a follow request on TikTok

How to send a follow request on TikTok

Navigate to the private TikTok account > tap the “Follow” button to send them a follow request.

To submit a follow request on TikTok, navigate to a private TikTok account.

Then, tap the “Follow” button to send them a follow-up request.

After you click the “Follow” button, your follow request will be sent to that person’s inbox.

The “Follow” button will then turn into a “Requested” button.

If you click on the “Requested” button, you can cancel your request.

But if you don’t cancel, that person can choose to accept or delete your follow request.

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If they’ve accepted your follow request, you’ll be able to watch their video.

On the other hand, if that person deleted your follow request, the “Requested” button will change to a “Follow” button.

When that happens, you can tap the “Follow” button to resend them a follow-up request.


Follow requests on TikTok can only be viewed if you’ve made your TikTok account private.

If your account is set to public, anyone can follow you on TikTok without your consent.

As a result, you won’t be able to see follow-up requests in your inbox.

Keep in mind that there are many negatives to going private on TikTok, including reduced views and fewer comments.

But if you don’t want random people watching your TikTok videos, switching is a good idea as it allows you to control who can follow you on TikTok.

Read more

101 TikTok fairy comments to copy and paste

How to enable or disable “Save Video” on TikTok

How to save TikTok draft videos in the gallery

Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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