How to Get on The “For You” Page on TikTok

So you want to get on the For You Page (FYP) on Tik Tok.

Maybe you posted multiple videos but none of it actually goes ‘viral’.

It can be frustrating because you can spend a lot of time creating content but none of it actually gets on the For You Page.

So what are you doing wrong?

More importantly, what are the steps that you have to take to get on the FYP?

In this article, I will cover 8 different ways on how you can get on The For You Page on TikTok.

Table of Contents

1. What does FYP mean?

2. How to get on the For You Page on Tiktok

3. Why is the For You Page important?

4. How does the For You Page algorithm work?

5. How to beat the TikTok algorithm

6. How long does it take to get on the FYP?

7. Why am I not getting on the FYP?

8. Conclusion

What does FYP mean?

What does the FYP on TikTok mean?

FYP means the For You Page on TikTok. FYP is basically the home page of the app, where you can swipe down and explore different videos other people have created.

The TikTok For You Page is a stream of videos specifically curated to your interests, making it easy to find content and creators that you love.

Source: TikTok

This means that the For You Page is different for everyone, depending on the type of videos you interact with.

TikTok users use the hashtag #fyp on their videos because they want to get their content shown on other user’s home page.

However, the hashtag #fyp isn’t sufficient enough for your video to get on the front page of TikTok.

There are lots of other factors that you have to consider which will be mentioned below.

How to get on the For You Page on Tiktok

So how do you get on the FYP on TikTok?

To get on the For You Page on TikTok, you’ll have to post trending content, use the right hashtags and description, and post at the right times.

The main reason why you’re not getting on the FYP is that you’re either posting low-quality content, not using the right hashtags/description, or not posting at the right times.

I’ll get into more detail on each of these factors and more below.

Here are 8 steps you should follow to get on the For You Page on TikTok.

1. Post trending content


had to do it @theecalvit

♬ Nonstop – Dallin and Bella

The number one tip to blow up on TikTok is to post trending content.

This tip has helped countless of users to grow on TikTok and other social media platforms (e.g. YouTube, Instagram, Twitter).

If you aren’t posting trending content, you won’t get high engagement.

So how do you find trending topics to create content on?

It’s quite straightforward ⁠— you want to make sure that you’re creating content similar to what you’re seeing on the FYP and utilize trending hashtags under the search page (e.g. #fliptheswitch, #voguemagazine).

In other words, you have to create content that is native to TikTok.

There will always be new trends on TikTok, so all you have to do is to follow the current trends and make it your own.

That being said, you should never run out of content ideas.

However, if your video does not have a similar quality to what you see on the For You Page, or what’s under the trending hashtags, then you shouldn’t post it.

It doesn’t matter how much time you took to make the video.

If you don’t follow the current trends or standards as what you see in the For You Page, it’s never going to take off.

2. Post consistently (5+ times a day)

If you aren’t posting consistently on TikTok, you’re doing it wrong.

To increase the chances of your videos getting on the FYP, you’ll have to post a lot. I’m talking about posting 5 to 6 times daily, or even 10 to 20 times daily.

Only then, you’ll be able to find the content that works, and what doesn’t.

For example, if you posted 20 videos and one of them blew up, you’ll want to make sure to create more content based on that topic.

There is always a reason why one video is more popular than the other. And sometimes, the only way to find that out is to create tons of content to get a better understanding of what your audience likes.

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Over-posting doesn’t really matter especially if you’re new to TikTok.

Unlike Instagram where people will be annoyed if you post too much and end up muting your posts, TikTok is different.

This is because people spend more time on the FYP than on the ‘following’ feed.

So, don’t be afraid of over-posting on TikTok (unless you already have a huge number of followers).

3. Post at the best times

Source: Influencer Marketing Hub

The best time to post on TikTok is around 10 AM to 1 PM and 7 PM to 11 PM EST.

However, you should only take this tip with a grain of salt.

For you to determine the best times to post on TikTok, you’ll have to know the demographics of your audience.

Where do they live and what timezone are they in?

If most of your followers are from the United States, then you want to make sure to post in that timezone.

On the other hand, if most of your followers are from the United Kingdom, then you should post in that timezone.

Ultimately, it’s crucial to post at the right times so that your videos can receive the maximum amount of engagement.

4. Use your own country’s language

Depending on where you live, you should use your country’s language.

For instance, if you’re living in France, you should post in French.

And if you’re living in Spain, you should post in Spanish.

TikTok knows your location, so in order to increase your engagement, you’ll have to use your own country’s language in your videos.

5. Create quality content

On TikTok, the quality, length, and uniqueness of your content determines how well it does.

The first two seconds of your video is extremely important.

The first two seconds of your video will determine whether someone watches the rest of it.

This is because it only takes less than two seconds for someone to decide whether they want to watch the rest of the video or not in TikTok.

TikTok is all about short-form content; so swiping down happens really quickly.

Here’s an example of a really creative video watched by over 20 million people.


the walking dead… #fyp #xyzbca #thewalkingdead #zombie

♬ Theme from the Walking Dead – Bear McCreary

Parker’s video follows a simple technique.

Attention > Interest > Action.

The first two seconds of the video listed out people that have commented in his previous videos, which grabs your attention.

In addition, he makes the video ‘realer’ by showing himself in the mirror.

Next, the video smoothly transitions to the living room with The Walking Dead playing on the television, this generates interest.

Finally, he gave his followers what they asked for by turning the backyard of his house into a scene of The Walking Dead.

You can tell that a lot of effort was put into this video.

Of course, you may not have the skills needed to create something like that, but you can use the same idea and apply it to your videos.

In order to stand out from the crowd, you’ll have to create something unique or that grabs people’s attention quickly.

Transitions are also really important. Make sure to add smooth and quick transitions to grab attention.

This brings me to the next point; incentivizing (encouraging) engagement.

6. Use the right hashtags

Like any other social media platform, you’ll need to utilize the right hashtags to maximize the reach of your posts.

Using the right hashtags will increase the reach of your posts, the likes/comments, and followers.

Utilize 1 to 2 trending hashtags and niche hashtags on the caption of your posts.

Fundamentally, you should utilize at least 1 to 2 trending hashtags (e.g. #fyp, #foryoupage) and 1 to 2 niche hashtags (e.g. #petlover, #artist) on the description of your posts.

This means that as a rule of thumb, you should be using a maximum of 4 hashtags.

You can find trending hashtags on the discover page (under search).

There are a couple of other ways to find the perfect hashtags.

Firstly, you should do a quick search of the hashtags used in your niche. Then replicate the hashtags used in popular posts in your post description.

Secondly, you can check the hashtags of your competitors. Hashtags used by your competitors can be really effective in increasing your post’s reach.

Ultimately, finding and using the right hashtags is important in increasing the engagement of your posts.

7. Incentivize engagement

Incentivising engagement basically means encouraging users to like and comment on your videos.

You can accomplish this by communicating it in your video or in its description.

However, that does not mean begging or telling people to follow, like, or comment on your videos.

You want to relate to your audience or influence them into doing it.

Wondering how?

Here’s an example of a video utilizing this with over 19 million views.


well boys here u go ??

♬ Classical Music – Classical Music

Julia’s video utilizes the slippery slope technique.

A slippery slope is basically a chain reaction of events that leads to a significant outcome.

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Videos that use this technique usually makes you want to watch the whole thing.

This is because one event always leads to the next (amusing one).

Did you also notice that she didn’t ask for comments?

She utilizes the comments from her previous videos to create new ones and always addresses them at the start of it.

By strategically placing user comments (of her previous videos) at the start of each video, it incentivizes users to comment because their comment might appear on her next video.

Now, this strategy only works well if you have a decent follower-base.

What if you don’t have a lot of followers?

If you don’t have a lot of followers, there are still many different alternatives you can use to increase your engagement. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy.

There are some tricks you can use like putting a caption on your video asking people to tap on the ‘+’ icon to reveal something, but you shouldn’t utilize these because your followers will fluctuate.

At the end of the day, posting quality content will result to a higher engagement.

8. Don’t post content that violates TikTok’s Guidelines

The last step is to avoid posting content that violates TikTok’s guidelines.

Graphic content, crime, and violence are not allowed on the platform.

If you post content that violates one or more of TikTok’s guidelines, your account may be shadowbanned.

But don’t worry, if you’ve posted one video that got taken down for violating their guidelines, you won’t get automatically shadowbanned.

Usually, you’ll get shadowbanned if more than one of your videos get taken down. TikTok has received tons of appeal cases, so they are reducing the rate in which posts are taken down as of mid-2020.

So what is a shadowban?

A shadowban prevents your videos from showing up on the For You Page and on the hashtag search results. This will negatively affect your engagement rate.

If your account is shadowbanned, you’ll normally have to wait 14 days for it to be lifted which is a really long time.

This means that if you post anything during that 14-day period, you will get little to no engagement.

To prevent getting shadowbanned, make sure that you’re aware of TikTok’s community guidelines and don’t post anything that violates it.

In addition, you should never buy followers, likes or comments as it is against their guidelines.

Most websites/services that sell followers or engagement are frauds and have fake reviews to increase their credibility.

Why is the For You Page important?

Social media platforms like Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram have all reached their peak ⁠— but TikTok is still growing at a fast rate.

TikTok is the 6th most popular app based on its monthly active users.

The For You Page is a huge opportunity because it doesn’t really rely on the number of followers you have.

Instead, it depends on the quality of your content.

For Instagram, you need to have a decent follower-base and a lot of likes for your post to get on the explore page.

On the other hand, getting on the For You Page on TikTok is easier because it does not really rely on the number of followers you have.

You can have a small number of followers and get a quality piece of content on the For You Page.

In addition, there is a small chance to go viral overnight and gain thousands of followers just from getting on the For You Page if you post something really good.

Since TikTok is still fairly new, getting viral is a bit easier as compared to other social media platforms.

Unlike Instagram where engaging with your followers/following is crucial, TikTok is all about creating quality content that your followers want to see.

However, do note that TikTok is constantly changing their algorithm. So what works now may not work in the future.

How does the For You Page algorithm work?

The For You Page algorithm on TikTok is curated based on your interests. They accomplish this by tracking how you interact with videos (likes, comments) and users (following).

Here are some statements from TikTok themselves.

A good indicator of interests such as whether a user finishes watching a longer video from beginning to the end receives more weight than a poor indicator such as whether the video’s viewer and the creator are both in the same country.

Source: TikTok

Videos are then ranked to decide the probability of a user’s interest in a piece of content and delivered to each unique For You Page.

Source: TikTok

This means that whether or not a user finishes watching a long video is more important than similar demographics.

In other words, you’ll have to ensure that people are watching your entire video and not swipe away in the middle of it.

To be able to accomplish this, you can follow step 7 above.

Additionally, as of mid-2020, you have to have at least five posts before you can get on the For You Page on TikTok.

This is because TikTok is trying to reduce spam and prevent inappropriate posts from getting on the For You Page.

But that doesn’t mean that you should stop trying to grow your page.

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This just means that your first few posts on TikTok aren’t going to go viral anymore.

You just have to post more content and get better at making those content to get on the For You Page. After this, you can grow exponentially which is still very possible.

TikTok is getting bigger and bigger, which means that they need to implement algorithms to prevent inappropriate content from circulating.

In order for your content to get on For You Page, TikTok has to trust your account first. Only then will they start showing your content to others.

Another thing to note is that your video might get zero views when it’s posted for a few hours, several hours, or up to 24 hours.

This is normal. If your video is getting zero views, it might be under review.

Once it is out of the review, your post will start receiving views and engagements like normal.

How to beat the TikTok algorithm

How do you beat the TikTok algorithm?

The first step to beat TikTok’s algorithm is to post trending content (as mentioned here).

For new users, creating trending content and utilizing trending hashtags is the best way to get on the For You Page.

If you create content that are not trending, you’re not going to get a lot of views. That’s how the algorithm works.

Secondly, aim for 13 to 17-second videos.

TikTok is all about short-form content, so creating a longer video will prevent it from getting to the For You Page.

Lastly, you should always create native content.

Before posting anything, make sure to benchmark your videos to the ones in the For You Page.

Videos that are in the For You Page of TikTok will give you a rough idea of the type of content that you should be creating.

How long does it take to get on the FYP?

Getting on the For You Page consists of various factors.

So how long does it take to get on the For You Page?

The answer is ⁠— it depends.

Like I mentioned in this section, you’ll need to have at least 5 posts for you to be qualified for the For You Page.

TikTok needs time to trust your account.

So, as long as you’re consistently putting out quality content, everyone has a chance of getting on the For You Page.

Why am I not getting on the FYP?

If you followed all the steps above and you’re still not getting on the For You Page, then you need to keep trying.

Getting on the For You Page is not easy.

There can be many reasons why your posts aren’t getting on the For You Page on TikTok:

  • You posted at the wrong time
  • Used the wrong hashtags
  • It doesn’t resonate with people
  • You didn’t post much
  • You’re not posting trending content
  • You didn’t edit your video on TikTok
  • You’re shadowbanned
  • Your video is still under review
  • The quality of your content is poor

Maybe you posted at the wrong time, used the wrong hashtags or simply didn’t post a video that resonates with people.

Whichever the case, you need to put out as much content as possible to find out what your audience likes and what they don’t.

Then, continuously post the same type of content that gets the most amount of engagement.

There are only a small number of videos that go Viral on TikTok, but those videos that do, get millions of views.


In summary, TikTok takes multiple factors into consideration for a post to get to the For You Page.

If you want to attract users, you can either make broad, niche or trending content that is native to TikTok.

The watch time is also really important in determining your ranking.

TikTok’s algorithm is getting more and more complex as more users join the app.

With its ever-changing algorithm, you’ll want to make sure to always stay updated so that you’ll have a higher chance of getting on the For You Page.

Further reading

> What is a TikTok handle?

> How to Unfollow People On Instagram Fast

> Is It Too Late to Start Instagram in 2020?

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Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies growth and networking for Instagram users. Feel free to follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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