How to Set Your iPhone to Ring Only for Selected Contacts

Contacts alert

This is a feature that seems obvious to many users, but it’s not supported by default on iPhone: Set your iPhone to alert you only when certain contacts call you, leave all the rest silent. Up until iOS 5 this was virtually unattainable, but with the arrival of iOS 6, Apple introduced a feature called

Do not disturb

in which we were

was written a little bit ago

and this also allows you to use a small alternative to have your iPhone notify you only when certain contacts call you.

Let’s take a closer look at how to do this on an iPhone running iOS 6.

Create a custom contact group

The first step in this workaround is to create a custom group of only the contacts you want to receive calls from. Oddly enough, though, this isn’t possible on the iPhone’s native Contacts app, so your best bet is to do it on your Mac or on iCloud’s website.

Important Note: Both of these require you to enable iCloud for Contacts on your iPhone for them to work.

On your Mac

Step 1: Open Contact on your Mac and select New group from Document menu at the top of the screen. Then give your new group a name.

New Mac TeamNew group is named

Step 2: Browse all your contacts in Contact app, and when you find the app that you want to always receive calls from, just click on it and drag it to the group you just created. Repeat the process for all the contacts you want to receive notifications for when they call you.

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Drag new group

On the iCloud website

Step 1: Go to Contact app via iCloud’s website. There you can add a contact group by clicking “+” icon at the bottom right of Groups page.

I Cloud Web 1I cloud web 2I Cloud Web 31

Step 2: Similar to how you do it on Mac, you can add any contacts that you want to be notified when they call you by dragging and dropping them into the newly created group.

I cloud web 4

Once you’re done, the new group you just created and all its contacts will be ready and waiting for you on your iPhone.

Contact group 1

On your iPhone

Now let’s use Do not disturb to make your iPhone warn you about calls only from your selected contacts.

Step 1: On your iPhone go to Setting and open Notification menu. One there, tap Do not disturb.

NotificationDo not disturb

Step 2: Tap Allow calls from and on the next screen tap on the group you just created that has all the important contacts you want to get notified when they call you.

Select Group

Step 3: Turn on silent mode for all contacts except people in your newly created group, turn on Do not disturb inside Setting application.

Dnd On

Thankfully, once your group is created, you don’t need to go back to your Mac or PC to add a contact to the group because it can be done right from your iPhone. To do so, simply go to Contact apps on your iPhone, tap Groups and make sure that only the group to which you want to add the contact is selected.

That’s it, now you can rest assured that you will only be alerted to calls from contacts that are important to you.

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Categories: How to

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