How to Make Your Windows 10 PC as Secure as Possible

While we’ve spent a considerable amount of time and our brains breaking down some of the myths surrounding Windows 10, there are still some privacy and security concerns. I wrote about securing your Android phone earlier, so why not give the same treatment with Windows 10?

Windows 10 SecurityIt’s time to secure your Windows 10 machine | My image – Micha /

So here’s our attempt at really locking the screws on the Windows 10 experience.

Disable everything!

Okay, this sounds more extreme (even sinister) than what it actually does. But all we’re suggesting is regaining access to everything Windows 10 has been so generous with. Fight Windows key + I Simultaneously moving towards modernity Setting window.

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From here, click Privacy and basically keep disabling everything on the right for every respective setting on the left. Again, it sounds extreme, and in real-world use this won’t affect your PC’s performance in any way.

For apps like yours Camerayou can shut down the entire system or select individual apps that don’t need access to the camera.

Camera privacy

The same rule of thumb can be applied to the other settings on the left side here.

Wi-Fi sensor

This is a controversial topic again. I’m sure you’re tired of reading about it, but we have to deal with it before we continue. We’ve also talked about this before, but we’re taking measures to increase security now, although that may not be 100% guaranteed.

Wi-Fi sensor

So come back Setting window and, this time, press Internet and then press Manage Wi-Fi Settings under the Wi-Fi area. Here, turn both switches to TURN OFF and rest a little easier.

See more:  How to Disable Web Search Results from Start Menu in Windows 11

Windows Defender

If you search defender from Windows 10’s search toolbar, you’ll be able to jump directly to Windows Defender windows.

Here, go to Setting and then under send samplesturn the switch TURN OFF because Get better, faster protection by sending Microsoft information about potential security issues Windows Defender finds And Help us improve Windows Defender by submitting Microsoft samples so we can improve our anti-virus and malware measures both.

defender victory

This will always prompt you (the user) to submit a report to Microsoft or not.

Disable CEIP

There happens to be a hidden “Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)” in Windows 10 that collects information about your computer hardware, usage, and operating system information for Microsoft. To disable this feature, first open the Control Panel, click Action Center icon and then click Change Action Center Settings link. Type Customer Experience Improvement Program in the search box, from the bottom taskbar.

Please note: If you find that the options in this box are grayed out (like mine), it’s because you opted out of the program when you installed Windows 10.

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Then click on it to launch CEIP settings where you need to select the radio button No, I don’t want to join the program. Fight Rescue and that’s all you need to do for Microsoft to collect more information from your PC.

That’s everyone

These are the most effective steps to protect your Windows 10 PC, but if you have some additional tips, let us know in our forum. Also, if you have any questions regarding any of these steps, drop by and ask.

See more:  How to reset vendor inventories

Categories: How to

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