Stop Auto-Launch of iTunes, iPhoto When Connecting iPhone

Launch corresponding Mac apps when you minimize

I’m sure you’re familiar with the icon that pops up in the Dock. It happens when something goes wrong with an app or when you connect your iPhone. iTunes goes crazy and asks you to download and install the latest update. And of course, all you want to do is accuse the damn thing.

It also happens when you connect your camera. This time, iPhoto or Image Capture pops up. Of course, this is a useful feature. But you may want to disable iPhoto and use Image Capture, for example, or ditch the default apps entirely and sync with a third-party app like Lightroom.

Follow the steps below to disable auto-launch for iPhoto, Image Capture and iTunes respectively.

Stop iPhoto or Image Capture from opening automatically

Open iPhoto and go to iPhoto -> Interest.

Me Photo 1 Zoom out

IN overview you will see an option named Open camera connection: and by default it will say iPhoto. Which means right now, when you connect your camera, iPhoto will pop up.

Me Photo 2 Miniature

Click the drop-down menu and select No app. Next time you attach your camera, iPhoto won’t jump around like a happy dog ​​awakening when its owner returns at the end of the day.

Select No app optionally disable both iPhoto and Image Capture from automatically launching. If you prefer Image Capture instead of iPhoto, choose Take a photo from the drop-down menu.

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Open the app of your choice when connecting a specific iPhone or iPad

If your photo library is managed by a third-party app, you may want that app to launch when you connect your iPhone or iPad. You can use Image Capture to specify applications on a device-by-device basis.

Connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac and open Take a photo (search via Spotlight or look it up in the Applications folder).

Take a photo 1 Zoom out

Select your device from the sidebar, then click the up arrow in the bottom left corner.

Take a photo 2 Zoom out

Here, from the drop-down menu, select the application from the list. If you don’t see your app here, click Other and point to the app in the finder.

Image Capture 3 Zoom out

Next time you connect your iPhone, that particular app will launch. For instance, it might have nothing to do with syncing photos. I tested it with Pixel generator and it works fine.

Prevent iTunes from opening automatically

For many people (myself included), iTunes is a threat, in part because of its auto-launch feature. To get rid of it, open iTunes, click the . button itunes menu bar item and select Interest.

I Tunes 1 Shrink

In this menu, select device from the top bar.

I adjusted 2 Zoom out

At the bottom of this screen you will see an option named Prevent iPod, iPhone and iPad from syncing automatically. Check the box next to it and click ALRIGHT to save settings.

The next time you connect your iPhone, iTunes won’t launch automatically.

If you want to sync your iPhone and iPad, all you need to do is open iTunes. We’re not disabling the functionality here, we’re just preventing the app from auto-launching. Simply tame the devil.

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Sit iTunes, sit. Awesome iTunes.

Does not automatically run

You can also prevent apps from starting every time you start your Mac. Just right click on the dock icon, go to Option and uncheck Open on login.

What are some apps that automatically launch on startup and make you nervous? A sync app like BitTorrent Sync or Google Drive? Share with us in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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