How to Highlight Cells in Google Sheets

At times, interpreting a spreadsheet filled with data can be daunting. Highlighting important cells in your spreadsheet is one way to highlight important words or data. Thankfully, your favorite spreadsheet editor, Google Sheets, includes some built-in functionality that lets you highlight cells in a few simple steps.

How to highlight cells in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, you can highlight an entire cell or just the text in it. This tutorial will show you several ways to highlight cells in Google Sheets. So let’s get straight to it.

How to highlight cells in Google Sheets with fill color

Using a fill color is the fastest and most commonly used method to highlight cells in Google Sheets. So, if you don’t have much time and need to quickly tick a few boxes, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Google Sheets in your web browser, sign in and open your spreadsheet.

Step 2: Select the cell to be highlighted. You can also select multiple cells.

Select cells in Google Sheets

Step 3: Click the fill icon on the toolbar.

Coloring in Google Sheets

Step 4: Choose your preferred color option from the palette.

Highlight cells in Google Sheets

You can also apply custom colors to your cells. For that, click the plus icon under Customize.

Highlight cells with custom colors in Google Sheets

Specify the hex code of the desired color or choose your preferred option from the color map and click OK.

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Choose Custom Colors in Google Sheets

After you complete the steps above, Google Sheets will highlight the selected cells. If you want to remove the highlighting, select the cells again, click the fill icon, and then select Reset.

Remove highlighting from cells in Google Sheets

How to highlight cells in Google Sheets by applying alternating colors

Using alternating colors in your tables is another way to highlight cells and improve readability of important data. With this method, you can easily distinguish between different rows and focus on the information you are interested in.

Step 1: Navigate to Google Sheets in your browser and then open your spreadsheet.

Step 2: Select the cells you want to highlight.

Select cells in Google Sheets

Step 3: Click the Format menu at the top and choose Interlaced Color from the list.

Alternating colors in Google Sheets

Step 4: In the Alternate Colors panel on your right, choose from the available styles or choose a color to create a custom style manually.

Highlight cells in Google Sheets with alternating colors

Step 5: Click Done to apply the markup.

Highlight cells in Google Sheets with alternating colors

If you want to remove the highlighting from your cells, click the ‘Remove alternating colors’ option at the bottom.

Remove alternating colors in Google Sheets

How to highlight cells in Google Sheets with conditional formatting

Conditional formatting is a useful feature in Google Sheets that allows you to highlight specific cells based on certain conditions. This method can be useful when working with a large data set and want to quickly highlight cells that meet specific criteria, such as blank cells or cells with specific numeric values.

To highlight cells using conditional formatting, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Google Sheets in your favorite browser and open the spreadsheet.

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Step 2: Select the table where you want to highlight the cells. Click the Format menu at the top and choose Conditional Formatting.

Conditional formatting in Google Sheets

Step 3: Click the drop-down menu under Format Rule to select the type of cell you want to highlight.

Use Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets

Step 4: Under Formatting, click the fill color icon and choose your preferred color. Then click Done.

Highlight cells with conditional formatting in Google Sheets

How to highlight text only in cells in Google Sheets

Google Sheets also allows you to highlight text in a cell if you only want to highlight some cells. You can choose to highlight all text or certain words in a cell. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open your spreadsheet in a web browser and select the cells that contain the text you want to highlight.

Step 2: Click the text color icon from the toolbar and choose your preferred option.

Change text color in Google Sheets

If you just want to highlight specific text, such as a word or number, in a cell, you can use these steps instead.

Step 1: Locate the cell containing the text you want to highlight in the spreadsheet.

Step 2: Double-click the cell to enter edit mode, then use your mouse to select your text.

Select text in cells in Google Sheets

Step 3: Click the text color icon from the toolbar and choose your preferred option.

Change the color of specific text in Google Sheets

Let the colors lead the way

Highlighting cells in Google Sheets can make your spreadsheet look professional and make data analysis easier. You can choose your preferred method from the above methods depending on how many cells you want to tick.

In addition to highlighting cells, you can also format your table with Google Sheets themes or add-ons to make your data easier to read.

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Categories: How to

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