How to Format and Customize a Webpage Before Printing It

Printing a web page is a process that often consumes a lot of paper and printer ink. And the main reason for this is the clutter that lies on most of the websites out there. One certainly doesn’t want to see useless advertisements all over the print.

However, claims can be resolved with tools that help you customize a website before you actually print it. You can decide exactly what you want and what to get rid of. In this post, we will tell you about two such methods.

On another note, using this trick you can also contribute to the environment by reducing paper consumption. The next time someone asks you how you got so green, you should at least have an answer ready to thwart his attempts to pose such harder questions to you, right? ???? … Start.

Temporary removal for Firefox

If you have upgraded to Firefox version 10+, you must have had a chance to review its Test Element. It allows you to select individual elements from a web page to do more with them.

Based on this, Delete Temporary (UPDATE: This tool is no longer available) is an add-on for Firefox and is associated with a Delete element in the Inspect Element bar.

Delete element

You can launch the tool by following the context menu and clicking the Inspect Element option. Also, go to Web Developer->Test, Ctrl+Shift+I . hotkey.


Next, hover over the page when elements are highlighted. Select the element you want to remove and press the button say Delete element. Here is an example from our homepage. The end result is awesome.

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Gt Remove element

print friendly

If you haven’t started using the latest versions of Firefox yet, we have some other things to cheer you up. PrintFriendly is a web service that quickly creates a clear and legible print preview of any web page.

All you need to do is visit the website and enter your URL in the homepage text box. It works fine on IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. It also allows you to integrate the bookmarklet into your toolbar. Shown below are the results from the GT site.

Print friendly example

I recommend you read our detailed post and learn more of its features. To summarize, I’d say you can print, email, or save the results as a PDF document for later reference.


There are many other such tools, but most of them have too many options or features. These two serve the need with minimal interface. So go blue are you? You bet you are!

Categories: How to

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