How to Measure the Size of Images in Pixels on PC

For us who work with graphics, knowing the dimensions of images and elements is extremely important. It’s pretty easy to figure out what the resolution of the image is. However, visualize this scenario. You may want to know the size, in pixels, of a particular part of the image. On the other hand, you might be doing something like graphic design that needs to fit into a certain space on a website or blog. In this situation, knowing the measurements of this space would be important. This is where pixel ruler apps come in.

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1. PixelRuler 3

Pixel Ruler 3 is a simple application that allows users to quickly measure images/elements. The user interface includes only rulers.

The ruler is placed horizontally by default but can be easily switched to the vertical position by briefly pressing the dial highlighted below.

Pixelruler3Rotate 3

With this you can measure both length and width. Honestly, this tool would be pretty useless without this functionality.

Vertical ruler 1

To take a measurement, place the ruler in the position you want, making sure that the origin aligns with the origin of the desired part of the element you are trying to measure. Then hover the pointer over the end point you want and record the reading shown in white on the surface of the ruler. This is a measurement in pixels.

Pixelruler3Measurement Thumb

Finally, the default ruler color is blue but can be changed to orange or green. This can be convenient depending on the color of the environment in which you are using the ruler.

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Pixelrulermenu drop down 1

Using this program is easy and it will allow you to quickly average the length and width of a given area.

2. PicPick’s Pixel Ruler

PicPick is a fairly flexible tool and includes many components, including a screenshot module. However, for the purposes of this article, we will focus only on the pixel measure.

Photo Select Main 1

When you select PicPick’s ruler, you’ll notice that PicPick’s pixel ruler is transparent. This is great because it facilitates faster and more accurate measurements. With this, you can see exactly where you need to measure.

It seems that a transparent ruler is the best both in the real and virtual world.


Then place the ruler in the desired area with the help of transparency you can easily set the ruler’s starting point at almost exactly the starting point of the image/element you are trying to measure .

Ruler allows reading in red text the value of the cursor’s distance from the starting point. Hover over your desired endpoint and note the reading.

Pickpickreadout 1B

The reading is also displayed in a sub-window that comes with a pixel ruler. However, the real beauty of the sub-window is that it magnifies the area your cursor passes over and also shows the crosshairs. This provides another bonus of accuracy as it allows for precise selection of end points and even correct selection of starting points.

To make the most accurate measurements, it is recommended to use the sub-window. When choosing a starting point, you should avoid trying to place the ruler exactly at the beginning of the element you are trying to measure without using the extra window and that is the magnified image and the crosshairs.

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Instead, position the ruler where the origin of the ruler is after the starting point you want, and then use the crosshairs in the sub-window. Do the same for your endpoint. For example, in the screenshot below, I want to measure the word ‘G’ in Google. The magnified image and crosshairs of the sub-window make this pretty easy.

Record the value you get for the start point as well as the end point, then subtract the value for the start point from the value for the end point and you should have the desired measurement.

Picpick crosshairs 1

You can also decrease or increase the size of the ruler depending on how large the element you are trying to measure. This ensures that the ruler is not bulkier than necessary. Of course, you can also change the orientation of the ruler to take vertical measurements.

Add Pickpick function

PicPick is a pretty versatile tool. I guess that is to be expected for a tool found in a program that is quite flexible to begin with. However, what should be emphasized is not only the versatility of this particular pixel ruler tool but also its high quality. It works and it works well, to put it simply.


PixelRuler 3 is quick and easy while PicPick’s pixel ruler gives fairly accurate measurements. I suppose depending on what you’re trying to achieve, either may work for you. On the other hand, you can also just use PicPick for everything and ignore the crosshairs when you’re just trying to get a quick understanding of the measurement. Here’s my suggestion for PicPick’s tool.

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However, both work, so you should try them out and see which works best for you.

ALSO READ: 2 Tools to automatically take periodic screenshots on Windows PC

Categories: How to

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