How to Fix “Already logged into the game” in Tower of Fantasy

Are you getting the “Login to the game with this account” error in Tower of Fantasy?

In some cases, the error message will be in Chinese instead of English.

The Chinese version of the error is “Error 2618”.

In this guide, you will learn why it says “Logged in to the game” in Tower of Fantasy and how to fix it.

  • Why does it say I’m logged into Tower of Fantasy?
  • How to fix “Logged in game” error in Tower of Fantasy

Why does it say I’m logged into Tower of Fantasy?

Logged in to the game with this account Tower of Fantasy

It says you are logged into the game in Tower of Fantasy because there are too many people in the queue.

The queue limit is 3,000, so if there are more than 3,000 players in the queue, you won’t be able to enter.

Players are complaining about the problem on Twitter.

“Why is it that when I try to log into Tower of Fantasy, it says this account is already logged in somewhere else?”.

“I tried to play the game but it says ‘character error’ and ‘the account is logged in to the game’ can I play?”.

“I have never played before. What does that mean? I suspect someone can steal my account when I sign in with Google.”

“Same. While playing the game, it crashes, now when it’s uploaded to 66%-99%, it crashes.”

Apparently, the login issue affects a lot of players trying to play the game.

The game is currently overcrowded, so you will have to wait until there are fewer players in the queue.

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How to fix “Logged in game” error in Tower of Fantasy

3 ways to fix the “Logged in game” error in Tower of Fantasy:

  • Spam and click “Ok” until you get into the queue.
  • Switch to a less crowded server.
  • Uninstall and reinstall Tower of Fantasy.

Currently, there is a bug where you cannot enter the game’s queue.

You can skip this by clicking “Ok” until you get to the queue.

This happens because there can only be 3,000 players queuing at a time.

If there are more than 3,000 players in the queue, the game will not allow you to join.

Therefore, you need to wait until someone exits the queue before you can join.

Since Tower of Fantasy was released recently, too many people wanted to play it.

There is a queue limit to prevent the server from overloading.

Unfortunately, you cannot bypass the queue set up by the game developers.

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