How to Create Quick Shortcuts for Common Android Tasks

I suppose we all wish to be more streamlined to save time. Shave a few seconds here and there to become more efficient. The app we’ll be reviewing today will help you do just that. It allows you to perform a specific activity in an app directly from your home screen.

Quick Shortcut Key 1Control | shutter

QuickShortcutMaker allows users to create convenient shortcuts on their home screen without having to browse through the interface of the application. If you think about it, we mainly perform a limited number of operations when using an app.

With QuickShortcutMaker, in many cases you have the ability to jump straight to your desired action.

How it works

When you open the app, you will see 3 tabs. that is Activities, Apps And favourite.

Tab Qsm

The left side of favouriteyou will also find History will display a list of recently created shortcuts.

Tab Qsm 1

You can quickly search for the applications for which you want to create shortcuts using the search bar. You can choose to perform an incremental search or a regular search.

Incremental search returns results almost instantly but uses more resources while regular search is easier on resources but doesn’t return searches as quickly.

Qsm tab search

Now let’s start creating shortcuts. The Applications tab shows only all installed apps on the phone. The Activities tab is where you really want to go if you want to create a shortcut for a specific activity in the app.

After you’ve located the app for which you want to create a shortcut, press the down arrow to see a list of available activities. I will use the example of Twitter to illustrate this process.

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Ok, let’s say you want to create a shortcut that allows you to start composing a tweet with a single click. This part is a bit tricky.

There are several processes listed below Twitter that are responsible for different operations, and this may require a bit of trial and error for some applications. You will need to get clues from the names of the files.

So we need to compose a tweet. I scanned the processes and their names and I came across

Composer Qsm

I then chose this process. The great thing about this application is that it allows you to try to see if the processes are actually performing the desired operation. Simply choose Try and the corresponding action will be triggered.

Qsm Try it

With this one, I got lucky and hit the head. However, this probably won’t always be the case.

Note: Qsm Twitter 1

Ok, go back to QuickShortcutMaker and select Create.

Create Qsm

Now go to your home screen and you will see the shortcut you created. You should give it a unique name to distinguish it from the original application.

Qsm keyboard shortcuts


So yes you have it. That’s how you can create quick shortcuts for common repetitive tasks on your Android device. Sometimes opening an app and having to manually navigate the interface to do a task you’ve always done can be frustrating. I am sure that this application can benefit all of us, so I encourage you to give it a try.

ALSO READ: How to Add Custom Shortcuts to Android Notification Pane

Categories: How to

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