How to Create a Fillable Form in Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the most popular tools for creating documents online. And despite being a simple document editor, you can use it to create templates, brochures, and even cover letters. And if you get stuck with this online editor, you can even create fillable forms in Google Forms to some extent. Of course, the form won’t be as flexible as a form created with Microsoft Word, Google Forms, or Microsoft Forms, but it should get you through.


Unlike Word, where you have some elements to play like drop-down lists and checkboxes, the options in Google Docs are limited. At best, you can create a simple form for offline use, which you can print and distribute later.

For now, you’ll have to create a fillable form from scratch. However, if you have a form template in PDF format, you can modify it in Docs.

Either way, the process is easy and doesn’t take long once you get used to it. However, let us warn you that the process is time consuming, especially if you want to create a process from scratch.

That said, here’s how to create a fillable form in Google Docs.

Method 1: Native way

One of the best methods for creating forms in Google Docs is to use the help of Tables. They allow your fields to appear uniform and eliminate the hassle of adding unnecessary space. As noted earlier, you cannot add interactive form fields like drop-down lists etc. You will have to limit yourself to form fields like text boxes, checkboxes, and text areas. So yeah, this doesn’t tie your hands.

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However, if you just want text fields, here’s how.

Step 1: Open a new document on Docs and click Insert > Table, select the number of rows and the number of columns.

We chose to use 4 columns and 5 rows in our case. Next, drag at the rows to enlarge the size of the table.

Step 2: Add the first text field like First Name and Last Name. Leave the cells blank for the cells you want the user to enter.

Select the text and click the Little Arrow icon next to the Bulleted List options to add a checklist. Select the third option from the list to place a small check box next to each entry.

So there you have it, the skeleton of a basic form. The good thing about this method is that you can add two to three panels for each design you have in mind. For example, if you want to add large text area option, you need to add a single cell table and enlarge it. Simple, see.

Step 3: Next, right click on your table and select Table Properties.

Next, click on Color and under Table Border, choose 0 pt.

This will make the borders invisible and you will have a nicer form in your hand.

Alternatively, you can highlight the boxes in bright colors or add dashes to make them more interactive. We have created the following form entirely using Google Docs components.

It’s worth mentioning that forms created from scratch in Google Docs can be printed and distributed. In the absence of field validation, using them for online submission would involve a lot of manual validation.

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However, if you want to use the form in the future, you need to save it. Next time you need to modify it, use it. Create a copy option in File and modify it as per your requirement.

Method 2: Convert PDF files

As mentioned above, Docs also allows you to convert PDF files to Google Docs. So if you have a sample form in PDF format, you can convert it to a Document and then modify it.

Step 1: Once your template file is ready, open Google Drive and click the New button in the top left corner.

Select Upload to upload the file.

Step 2: Once the upload is complete, right-click the file and select Open With > Google Docs.

This will convert the document to editable text. Of course, it won’t turn into a fillable right away, but you’ll have a rough structure.

You need to add the necessary formatting to complete the circle. Note that if your form has text boxes, they will be removed. You will only have text to edit.

This is a big limitation. But for now, that’s the only way to upload forms to Google Docs.

Google Forms is the answer

Google Docs has many limitations on creating forms that can be filled out offline. If you are looking to create an online form, the safest method is to use Google Forms. It comes with a bunch of features that make form creation an easy exercise.

Categories: How to

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