How to Add TextExpander Snippets and Sync with Dropbox

Text Expander

TextExpander is a utility that helps to quickly expand paragraphs of text into phrases or sentences. Think of it like keyboard shortcuts for your text. If your job requires you to type the same content over and over again, TextExpander scripts will make things a lot easier. Yes, you can simply copy and paste, but that way you need to copy the source text every time.

With TextExpander (Mac, iOS), just set up snippet, text abbreviations and you’re done.

Today we’ll see how to set up snippet groups, create snippets, and sync them with Dropbox. Not only are they backed up securely, but you can also synchronize code snippets between different devices running TextExpander.

How to Create Teams and Snippets on an iOS or Mac App

On the iOS app, go to Groups tab and tap + in the bottom right corner and give the group a name.

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Now tap the group and tap again + to create a new piece of code.

Fill in two fields, acronym And Content and press Finished. The snippet is now saved.


To create a new snippet on a Mac app, click + in the top left corner of the app and enter the details.

Text User Interface

If you want to create a group, click the button + in the bottom left corner of the app and select New group.

Use the TextExpander Custom Keyboard for iOS 8

If you’re running iOS 8 on your iPhone or iPad, you can type TextExpander snippets anywhere – you won’t be limited to supported apps.

Related: For how to enable custom keyboards, check out our guide here.

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Once the custom keyboard is enabled, tap Sphere to circle between installed keyboards. While the TextExpander keyboard is good, it’s not as great as the built-in keyboard when typing.


So what I recommend you to do is use the TextExpander keyboard like you would use the Emoji keyboard. When you want to enter the code, tap the Globe icon, switch to the TE keyboard, type the code, and back to the iOS keyboard to continue typing.

Backup snippets to Dropbox and sync them between iPhone and Mac

If you’ve already started creating snippets on your iOS device, visit Settingand transform Using Dropbox. This will take you to the Dropbox app, and once you authenticate, TextExpander will create a new folder in Dropbox where all your code snippets will be saved.

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Now, on your Mac, go to Interest -> Sync and in Synchronization method switch from Local ARRIVE Dropbox.

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You’ll get a pop-up asking if you want to replace local data with Dropbox data, or if you want to import and sync data already on Dropbox with the Mac app. We want to do the latter so choose Link to Dropbox.

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Now both the Mac and iOS apps are synced. Snippets that you previously created on the iOS app now show up in the Mac app, and any new snippets from the Mac app will be synced with the iOS app.

Categories: How to

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