How To Easily Create GIFs from Video Files on Mac

Today, there are many ways to create GIFs. You can use something as complex as Photoshop or as simple as a web application. And of course, there are iPhone and Android apps for it.

But what about Mac? What if you have a screen recording video file or your niece is making funny faces that you want to convert to a GIF file? Today I will tell you about Gifrocket. A simple and beautiful GIF maker app that I personally use to create GIFs for my articles.


Prepare video files

The first thing you need to do is get the video file on your Mac. Now, open it in any media player and note the start and end times for the GIF you want to create.

You can choose to trim the video to a specific point if you want, but why bother with the extra step when Gifrocket has the extra ability to scan the start and end points from a large video file.

Gifrocket Setup

Download Gifrocket from the website. It says the app is in beta but I haven’t had any major problems with it.

Open the app and you will see a blank canvas. You must drag the file here to start converting to GIF. But not too fast.

First, click Setting button. Here you will get three fields.

Screenshot 2014 12 03 At 5 08 07 AM

Enter the start and end points. Remember that this is in Hour:Minute:second layout, so if your video is short, don’t forget to add a zero to the hour or minute stamp, otherwise the GIF won’t work.

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Second, choose the width of the GIF you want to create. Default is 320px. You can go up to 500 or 600 if you are dealing with widescreen video but if you make the GIF too wide the size of the resulting file will also increase.

The final setting is quality. There is a slider and to be honest, it’s not very useful. There are only three points on it. I find the midpoint, 50% to work best.

Once you have the settings the way you want, click Xdrag the file in and wait for Gifrocket to do its job.

Screenshot 2014 12 03 At 5 08 16 am

Imperfect? Retry. When you don’t get the GIF the first time, don’t worry. Tweak settings and reinstall.

Now, go to Documents folder and you will find the GIF there.

Remember, every time you need to create a new GIF, you’ll need to go into the settings and change the start and end points.

Tag BttA GIF I made on how to snap a window in Mac using Gifrocket.


Before settling down with Gifrocket, I tried a few desktop and web apps for Mac. Gifrocket is hardly the most powerful GIF maker out there. Its lack of control over the most basic thing like quality proves it.

But I continue to use Gifrocket because it’s simple, effective, and strikes a good balance between GIF size and quality.

How do you GIF?

What does your workflow for creating GIFs look like? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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