How to Fix “Oops! We could not find matching credentials” on Snapchat

To fix the error “Oops! We couldn’t find the right login information” on Snapchat, you need to reset your password.

After you reset your Snapchat password, the error should be fixed.

There are 9 steps to resetting your password on Snapchat.

However, you need to have access to your phone number or email address.

This is because a reset password link will be sent to your phone number or email.

If you lose access to both, you’ll need to contact Snapchat support for assistance.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to reset your password.

Here’s how to fix the “Oops! We couldn’t find the right login” on Snapchat:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap “Use another account”
  2. Tap on “Forgot your password?”
  3. Reset your password via email
  4. enter your email address
  5. Check your email for the password reset link
  6. Change your Snapchat password
  7. Back to the Snapchat app
  8. Sign in to your Snapchat account
  9. Error has been fixed!

1. Open Snapchat and tap “Use another account”

Use another Snapchat account

First, you need to open the Snapchat app and navigate to the login/signup page.

On the login/signup page, you’ll see all of your Snapchat accounts.

You will also see a variety of options including “Sign In”, “Sign Up” and “Use another account”.

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Tap “Use another account” to use a different Snapchat account.

2. Tap “Forgot your password?”

Forgot your password on Snapchat

After you tap on “Other User Accounts”, you will arrive at the login page.

The login page contains a “Username or Email” field and a “Password” field.

First, you need to enter your Snapchat username.

You can also enter the email address associated with your Snapchat account.

Next, tap on “Forgot your password?” to start changing your Snapchat password.

3. Reset password via email

Reset your Snapchat password via email

After you tap “Forgot Password?”, a pop-up will open.

The pop-up window contains several options.

This includes “by phone” and “by email”.

You can reset your Snapchat password using your phone or email.

In this guide, we will use the “via Email” option to reset your password.

Tap “via Email” to initiate a Snapchat password reset using your email.

4. Enter your email address

Reset your Snapchat password

After you click “via Email”, you will come to the “Reset Password” page.

On this page, you will see an “Email” field.

Enter the email address associated with your Snapchat account in the “Email” field.

Then, tap “Send” to submit your email address.

If you lose access to your email, you’ll need to contact Snapchat support for help.

5. Check your email for password reset link

Snapchat Password Reset Link

After you click “Submit”, a password reset link will be sent to your email.

Check your email for the password reset link.

If you can’t find it, be sure to check your junk and spam folders.

The email will be sent by “Snapchat Team” and its subject line will be “Reset Snapchat Password”.

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Open the email and tap the reset password link to reset your Snapchat password.

6. Change your Snapchat password

Change your Snapchat password

After clicking the reset password link, you will be taken to the “Change my password” page.

On this page, you will see several fields including “New Password” and “Confirm Password”.

First, enter a new password in the “New password” field.

Then, confirm your new password by entering it in the “Confirm Password” field.

Finally, tap “Save” to reset your Snapchat password.

Your password should be at least 8 characters long, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers/symbols.

7. Back to the Snapchat app

Snapchat password changed

After you tap “Save”, you will go to “Changed Password!” page.

This means you have successfully changed your Snapchat password.

Tapping “Continue” will open Snapchat’s login page.

However, you need to go back to the Snapchat app instead of tapping “Continue”.

8. Sign in to your Snapchat account

Snapchat login page

Once you’re back in the Snapchat app, try logging into your Snapchat account with your new password.

First, enter your Snapchat username in the “Username or Email” field.

Then, enter your new password in the “Password” field.

Finally, tap “Sign In” to log into your Snapchat account.

9. Bug fixed!

Oh!  We couldn't find the right login information

After you’ve changed your Snapchat password and signed in to your account with that password, it says “Oops! We couldn’t find the right login information” should be fixed!

You should now be able to use Snapchat as usual.

If you’re still having issues, you can try deleting and reinstalling Snapchat.

Deleting and reinstalling Snapchat will clear the app’s cache.

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This will start the app on a clean media the next time you open the app.


“Sorry! We couldn’t find the right login information” error on Snapchat is usually caused by a glitch.

In short, the easiest way to fix it is to reset your Snapchat password.

If you’re still getting the error even after resetting your Snapchat password, here are two additional methods you can try:

  1. Go to the “Unlock your Snapchat account” page and log in to your Snapchat account to unlock it.
  2. Contact Snapchat support for help.

If you can’t access your Snapchat account, you should try the first method to regain access to your account.

You should only contact Snapchat support as a last resort.

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Categories: Social Media

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