How to Add or Change Your Signature in Genshin Impact

Your Genshin Impact signature is your profile.

Your profile gives you the opportunity to express yourself to other users.

You can add a quote, joke, or a short description of yourself.

Whenever someone visits your profile, they will see your signature.

If you don’t want to add a signature, you can leave it blank.

In this tutorial you will learn how to add or change signatures in Genshin Impact on PC, Mobile and PlayStation.

You’ll also learn why you can’t change the Genshin Impact signature and how many times you can change it.

  • How to change signature in Genshin Impact
  • How to add a signature in Genshin Impact
  • Why can’t I change my Genshin Impact signature?
  • How many times can you change the signature in Genshin Impact?

How to change signature in Genshin Impact

To change your signature in Genshin Impact, you need to open the Paimon menu and click “Edit Signature”.

After clicking “Edit Signature” you will be able to add or change the signature.

The Paimon menu contains several options that you can choose from.

This includes “Shop”, “Party Setup”, “Friends”, etc.

At the top of the menu, you’ll be able to see your Genshin Impact profile.

This includes your profile picture, name, signature, etc.

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Next to your name, you’ll see an edit icon.

By clicking on the edit icon, you will have many options to edit your profile.

This includes editing your signature.

Here’s how to change your signature in Genshin Impact:

1. Open the Paimon menu and click “Edit Signature”

How to change signature in Genshin Impact

The first step is to open the Paimon menu.

If you are using a PC, press the “Esc” button on your keyboard.

On the other hand, if you’re playing Genshin Impact on PlayStation, press the “Options” button on your controller.

That way, the Paimon menu will open.

On the Paimon menu, you will see several options.

This includes “Shop”, “Party Setup”, “Friends”, etc.

At the top of the menu you will see your profile information including name, signature, adventure rank etc.

Next to your name, you’ll see an edit icon.

Click the edit icon next to your name to edit your profile.

After clicking on the edit icon, you will see several options.

This includes “Edit Profile”, “Change Avatar”, “Change Name Tag”, etc.

Click “Edit Signature” to add or change a signature.

2. Change your signature and click “Confirm”

Signature Genshin Impact

After you click “Edit Signature”, the “Signature” pop-up will open.

The pop-up contains a large field where you can include a short description of yourself.

You will now be able to add or change the signature.

If you haven’t added a signature before, this field will be blank.

On the other hand, if you’ve previously added a signature, you’ll see your current signature in this field.

To add a signature, click in the field and include a short description of yourself.

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You can also add a quote, joke or phrase.

To change your signature, delete your current signature and add a new one.

Finally, click “Confirm” to save your changes.

You have successfully learned how to add or change Genshin Impact signature!

How to add signature in Genshin Impact

  1. Open the Paimon menu by pressing the “Esc” button on your keyboard or pressing the “Options” button on your controller.
  2. Click the edit icon next to your nickname.
  3. Add a quote, joke, phrase or short description about yourself.
  4. Click “Confirm” to save your changes.

Why can’t I change my Genshin Impact signature?

You cannot change your Genshin Impact signature because miHoYo has it disabled.

If that’s the case, you need to wait until miHoYo reactivates.

As of June 2021, the in-game signature and nickname change function does not work.

This caused an uproar on Hoyolab and social media.

A lot of players got stuck with their joke signature.

Fortunately, the problem has been fixed and players can change their nickname and signature after about a week.

How many times can you change the signature in Genshin Impact?

You can change your signature in Genshin Impact as many times as you want.

There is no limit to how many times you can change your signature.

This is similar to changing your Genshin Impact nickname.

After you have changed your signature, make sure to save your changes by clicking the “Confirm” button.


Before adding or changing a signature in Genshin Impact, you need to know the rules for signatures.

You cannot distribute illegal messages or deceptive advertisements in your signature.

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This includes asking users to join groups, adding friends, and promising free items.

If you do so, Genshin Impact will take appropriate action to punish you.

This includes removing illegal proceeds, freezing your game account and banning your game account.

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Categories: How to

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