How to Create Rules Based on Email Subjects in Outlook 2013

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Do you use MS Outlook as your desktop email client? And, do you use it only for the purpose of sending and receiving emails? Did you know you can put it to other uses like

organize your to-do list

and reminders for tasks?

Well, I do more with mine. I use it as an email autoresponder, as a tool to organize my emails, and more. One of my favorites is using MS Outlook to conduct surveys. Customers can organize email survey statistics beautifully and automatically. In fact, the trick needed to do this can be applied in many other cases. We’re talking about creating rules for emails based on their subject line.

Let’s continue with the survey example. Let’s say you’re in an organization and have to send out invitations to a large event to employees while collecting data on how many people want to attend. It’s easy, just add a vote button and ask the recipient to answer Yes or No by clicking the vote button.

Note: Our guide is based on MS Outlook 2013. However, the setting is also applicable to lower versions. The only difference would be the user interface.

Now, the point is to collect statistics. Will you scroll through your inbox and count each response and separate Yes and No manually? There are better ways; We will show you one.

I will send an email titled Your Vote and a vote button that can be used to answer Yes or No. Click Use the vote button option to insert buttons.

Voting email

Before I send it out, I’ll set up the tool to be ready to listen for feedback and do my own statistics. This is what I need to set up.

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Create a statistics folder

I will navigate to mine Inbox, in the left pane, right click on it and create a new folder. I’ll name it Voted Yes.

Outlook New Folder

Similarly, I will create another number named Votes. The results are shown in the figure below.

Stats Directory

Create a listener rule

Now, I need to create a rule so that outlook can apply the rule to messages as they arrive and push them to the respective folder. Follow the steps to create a rule.

Step 1: Navigate to Home page navigation. Below Move section, hover on Rule and then click Manage Rules & Alerts.

Manage rule alerts

Step 2: Start by clicking New rules.

Rule alert dialog

Step 3: On Rules Wizard, Starting from an empty rule by choosing Apply the rule to the messages I receive. Click Next.

Rules Wizard

Step 4: Select the condition. The best way is to go with specific words in the topic. You can choose to have additional conditions.

Subject specific rules

Step 5: On the lower pane of the same window, click specific word. Add the search string as Yes: Cast your Vote. Click Next.

Yes Vote Rules

Step 6: Choose an action. The desired intent with an incoming response is move it to a specified folder.

Folder With Vote

Step 7: On the lower pane of the same window, click point. Now select the folder Voted Yes and click Alright.

Linked Directory Rules

Step 8: Come back Rules Wizardclick Complete. Repeat Steps 2 to 7. This time with the search string (Step 5) as No: Vote and your folder (Step 7) as Voted Number.

That’s it. Go back to the email in draft, add your recipient list and Send. Once the answers have arrived, simply check the number in each directory.

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Note: As mentioned earlier, the rule is based on the email subject. The answer will precede the voted answer for the subject line. And, therefore, the rules are arranged in that fashion. With the voting options you use, your rules will be different.

Does that sound interesting? Does that also mean a lot of reduced work? Try it out and let us know how well it works.

Categories: How to

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