Get a Hang of Firefox OS on Android without Flashing

When Firefox OS was first announced in early 2013, everyone was excited to try out the new operating system. They even launched a dedicated phone that runs the OS and nothing else. People quickly forget about it, as there are more powerful operating systems to choose from like Cyanogen, MIUI, etc. Although Firefox OS has been ported to many Android smartphones, not many are willing to risk flashing ROM and create it. their default operating system.

Firefox Os for press release

Mozilla developer Fabrice Desré thinks Firefox OS is not getting the correct contact between users and has come up with a solution as an attempt to fix that. He created an easy to use APK file that any end user can install on Android to use Firefox OS. It’s as easy as it gets so give it a test drive.

Install Firefox OS

We will download the 64 MB APK to the phone. Therefore, make sure you have activated Allow unknown sources option in Android settings. Once that’s done, download the B2GDroid APK from the Github site and save it to your Android SD Card.

Important: One thing to note here is that the APK only works for phones running on ARM architecture and while most phones use ARM chips, you should check before you start so you don’t have to follow through. This way Nothing.

Fireofx OS for Android 2Fireofx OS for Android 4

Note: The application will be installed under the name Fennec Fabrice, where the first word is the codename of Firefox OS and the second word is the name of the developer who created the APK file.

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Test drive

Once the app is installed, press the home button on your phone and choose Firefox OS as the default launcher. This will enable it. There will be a delay for the first few minutes and I recommend leaving the phone alone for a while. Let the phone index the data on your device and restart it, say after 15 minutes. After the reboot, you can go ahead and use the Firefox OS launcher.

Here are some screenshots.

Fireofx OS for Android 6Fireofx OS for Android 8Fireofx OS for Android 9Fireofx OS for Android 10Fireofx OS for Android 11Fireofx OS for Android 12Fireofx OS for Android 13Fireofx OS for Android 7

The app not only provides a launcher but also adds additional apps like Music, Email, Gallery, Clock and Settings. The first time you launch each of these apps, they will take time to read the files on your device and create an index. As a result, you will have two of all these apps on your phone. One will have the design of Firefox OS and the other will be the default Android app. Even the notification drawer will get a makeover.

Definitely not an everyday Launcher replacement

This application is intended for test driving Firefox operating system only and cannot be used as the default daily launcher. Sometimes you will get a crash screen with the option to send feedback and restart Fennec. To uninstall, open Application Manager on Android settings and uninstall Fennec Fabrice.

Fireofx OS for Android 5Fireofx OS for Android 1

After uninstalling and pressing the home button, you will have the option to choose the default home screen launcher and the settings will return to normal.


So what do you think about Firefox OS, aside from the lag of course, since it’s just a virtual emulator. Firefox OS is really very stable and delivers stable, lag-free performance. The only thing I miss while exploring the OS is the back button and the menu button. How about you?

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Categories: How to

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