IDM vs FDM: Which is the Better Downloader?

I used to be a huge fan of IDM. This is one of those apps that I recommend you have on your computer. I also wrote a post on how to use some of its advanced features. But one commenter suggested that I should try FDM because it’s free, open source and has most of the features of IDM. So, after trying out FDM, I’m surprised how long it has been ignored by me, as it is a great alternative to IDM.

Free Download ManagerOnly the best stays on my PC. Image via Shutterstock

But because IDM has some flaws, so does FDM. After using FDM for a while, comparisons are bound to happen. So let’s see how both fares.

Pro tip: We don’t forget our friends on the other side of the pond. For the best downloaders for Mac, go here.

Where is IDM better?

1. Download Dialog

The Download dialog is just a technical term for the little box that appears when you click on any download link in the browser. This is also the part with which you interact the most when downloading something.

Ddb Idm optionVarious options provided by IDM

IDM’s download dialog is much better than FDM’s. As you can see from the pictures, IDM’s box offers more options than FDM’s.

The most useful of these is the speed limiter. In case of FDM you have to open FDM main windows from taskbar and change Mode to limit speed, this is reduced globally and applies to all running downloads . In contrast, IDM allows you to limit the speed for each download.

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For comparison, see FDM’s box below.

ddb fdm

2. Capture and identify downloads

Here IDM is also better. Many times during use, FDM skips PDF, RAR and some EXE files. I had to manually copy the download link and load it in, which was a side job. And then there’s the file identification. IDM recognizes each file type and automatically separates downloads into respective folders. But many times, FDM didn’t do the job correctly, leaving me with files scattered in incorrect folders. This may seem like a minor issue, but in the long run it will lead to unorganized download folders.

3. Refresh download link

Refresh Download

This feature is useful when downloading large files from file sharing and download sites that do not support resuming. Midway through your download, if your internet disconnects even for a moment, or your ISP changes your IP address, your download will crash. Using refresh download links, you can re-request the file and IDM will catch the download and resume it from wherever it left off.

4. Schedule downloads

Scheduler idm

While you can schedule downloads in FDM, it is not as powerful and flexible as IDM. In addition to the usual time-based download scheduling, IDM also provides queues where you can group downloads together and schedule each queue. There are many adjustment options for scheduling downloads and what to do after downloading.

Where is FDM better?

1. Built-in Torrent Client

Torrent Fdm

If you’re using FDM, you won’t need a separate torrent client, as the built-in client has more capabilities. It supports magnet links as well as local torrent files. All the options that apply to regular downloads, such as scheduling and rate limiting, also apply to torrents. For comparison, IDM doesn’t have any torrent support and the only way you can use IDM to download torrents is by using the Cloud Torrent service.

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2. Deleted downloads can be restored

Fdm Trash

Another cool feature of FDM is the recycle bin for downloads. Many times I have deleted downloads only to realize later that I might need them. Just like Windows, FDM has a recycle bin, where unfinished downloads that have been deleted are stored. It can also be configured to store completed downloads.

3. File Preview and Video Converter

Media preview

FDM can play video, audio and image files inside its main window. Instead of navigating to the download folder, you can preview the file, right click on it and select Launch file or open position. A time saver when you are looking for a specific file in a bunch of downloads. And for audio and video files, it also has a converter. It supports all major mp4 and avi formats, useful for converting those Youtube FLV videos to the right format.

Miscellaneous difference

When I started using FDM, it didn’t catch videos from Youtube or other similar sites, which leads me to almost believe that FDM doesn’t support the feature. But later when I tried to install it, I found it hidden inside Download > Video surveillance, is the option to enable flash downloads. If it’s enabled by default like IDM, that would be great. A normal user might not have this problem and use a different downloader instead.

Another great built-in tool is a checksum tool that supports MD5, SHA1 and other popular algorithms to check the integrity of downloaded files.

Md5 . checksum

And one thing that both downloaders really care about, is the user interface. The user interface of both looks like it was designed in the 90s for CRT monitors. Hope the developers improve it, because on glossy Windows 10 it looks very annoying.

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While these are not the only downloaders available for Windows, they are among the most popular. While one could point out that IDM is a paid app, we know for a fact how many people actually bought it. If you are just looking for a basic downloader and don’t care about those advanced features, then one of them should suffice. If you have any other points or views, feel free to share them in the comments section.

Categories: How to

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